3. Thread the heat shield spring on the opposite side of the clutch cable.
4. Thread the wire itself through the clutch base screw located right under the intake manifold.
5. Once it’s threaded through the clutch base screw, thread the extension spring through the clutch cable.
6. Lastly, thread the clutch cable through the clutch arm on the engine. Make sure you unthread the screw
that will hold the clutch cable in place.
7. Once you threaded the cable through the clutch arm, make sure you pull on the clutch cable for a
stronger tension, while you rethread the clutch screw into the clutch arm.
8. Operate the clutch lever to make sure your clutch arm swings towards the motor. The key for proper
installation is making sure the clutch arm is flush with the engine. Once you pull the clutch lever, the
clutch arm should move inward towards the motor allowing it to disengage your motor. Once your
engine is disengaged, you can pedal freely. With the clutch lever in released, it will engage the motor.
Pulling in the clutch lever will have some resistance. This is normal.