D6 green light for the heating rod E0 status indicator:
always on when heating, off when not heating;
D10 green light for the CNC fan FAN0 status indicator: on when open,
off when closed.
D6 green light for the heating rod E0 status indicator:
always on when heating, off when not heating;
D6 green light for the heating rod E0 status indicator: always on when
heating, off when not heating;
D8 green light for the hot bed HB status indicator: always on when
heating, off when not heating;
D7 green light for the CNC fan FAN1 status indicator: on when open, off
when closed.
D3 green light for the CNC fan FAN2 status indicator: on when open, off
when closed.
D9 green light for the SD card status indicator: light up when inserted
into the SD, off when pulled out
Communication of Motherboard and PC
The motherboard can communicate with a PC using the USB interface.
The same USB interface can be used to communicate with a Raspberry
pi or any other host device.