Make certain the bike is in neutral.
Turn fuel petcock to the ON position.
Turn ignition switch to the ON position.
Depress handlebar ENGINE STOP switch to the RUN position.
Prime the motor with two twists of the throttle.
Lift up on carburetor enrichener half way.
Depress start button for no more than five seconds at a time until the engine starts.
Keep the engine running at fast idle or 1500 RPM using the throttle.
Depress the enrichener back to the pre-start position when the engine has achieved a constant
and steady speed.
If the enrichener is left in the starting position, the spark plugs will foul, causing poor engine per-
formance and / or failed engine start.
Allow engine to warm approximately one to two minutes before riding.
NOTE: A battery discharges up to 2% per day when idle. If your motorcycle is not ridden for ap-
proximately for a month, the battery may not have sufficient charge to start your motorcycle.
Big Bear Choppers does not recommend using a standard automotive battery charger as battery
failure is not covered under warranty.
Use the same procedure as cold start. Do not prime the engine with two (2) twists of the throttle
and do not engage the carburetor enrichener.
Use the ENGINE STOP SWITCH on the right handlebar to shut off the engine. Turn the ignition key
switch to the “OFF” position. Turn the fuel petcock to the “OFF” position.
1 . 1 S t a r t i n g a n d S t o p p i n g y o u r E n g i n e