5.3.1 Removing the irrigation line and
(optionally) the irrigation ring
1. Gently pull out the irrigation line from
the rear side of the irrigation ring
step 1).
2. Gently pull out the irrigation line cut
portion from the front tube of the mi-
crosaw (
step 1).
3. a) If the irrigation ring stays on the
microsaw, gently pull out the re-
maining irrigation line from the
irrigation ring).
b) If the irrigation ring does not stay
on the microsaw, carefully slide
the irrigation ring toward the
front side of the microsaw (
step 2), then gently pull out the re-
maining irrigation line cut portion
from the other tube of the re-
moved irrigation ring (
5.3.2 Connect a new irrigation line
1. a) If the irrigation ring has been re-
moved before reprocessing the
device, inspect the irrigation ring.
Make sure the two O-rings are in
the grooves. Cut off an irrigation
line portion of 50-60mm (about 2
inches) with sterile scissors, insert
on the front side tube of the ir-
rigation ring (
step 1) and
insert the irrigation ring on the mi-
crosaw by sliding it from the front
side to the rear side (
b) If the irrigation ring has not been
removed before reprocessing the
device, cut off an irrigation line
portion of 50- 60mm (about 2
inches) with sterile scissors. Insert
on the tube in the front side of the
irrigation ring.
2. Connect the irrigation line portion of
the irrigation ring to the front tube of
the microsaw. Make sure the ir-
rigation line is loose enough to allow
the reciprocating motion of the mi-
crosaw nose (
step 3).
3. Connect the remaining irrigation line
to the rear side of the irrigation ring
step 3).
FIG. 3
FIG. 4