Over-temperature indicator
If the unit should, for any reason, exceed the temperature set for the over-temperature cut-out, the
over-temperature indicator will light. The heater will have been switched off and the unit will begin to
cool even if the heater light is on (the light staying on or not depends on which circuit has sensed an
low liquid level
The float switch will trip if the liquid gets below a safe level; the display will change to "LLL". The heater
will be switched off. Fill the bath to above the minimum level of 100mm and the display will return to
the 'present' temperature; the unit will again work.
sensor fault indicator
If the unit there should, for any reason, be a sensor fault, the bottom indicator will light. The power to
the heater will have been switched off and the unit will begin to return to ambient even if the heater
light is on (the light staying on or not depends on which circuit has sensed a fault).