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Power On/Off Switch:
Applies power to the NEIM1031. Switching off removes
power to the circuit and connects all inputs to outputs.
With the power off the line in connects to line out and
audio in connects to audio out - with no amplification.
This allows the unit to remain connected in circuit, even
when it is not in use. There is no need to disconnect.
In the event of a power failure to the NEIM1031, then
the inputs and outputs will bypass, allowing continuation
of signal.
Power On/Off LED:
Indicates power on/off.
Output Volume Control:
Adjusts the volume of the audio signal present at the
audio out and headphone sockets. This does not alter
the line out level.
Line Out Level Control:
This preset control allows the line out signal from the
NEIM1031 to be matched to the equipment connected
to the unit. This level is not altered by the main output
volume control.
Changes in either input will affect the line out level.
Irrespective of which input is selected, the noise
cancellation is available on both the line and audio
outputs (only while the unit is powered).