Figure 3
“Direction of blade rotation”
Make sure that the machine is fully disconnected and all moving
parts are secured before performing any maintenance/repair
work on the machine. In the event of any malfunctioning, switch
the machine off before trouble-shooting.
6.1 Regular maintenance
The following tasks belong to ordinary maintenance works:
● Clean the machine from eventual residual wood, chips or dirt.
● Lubricate all moving parts.
● Grease all pivoting parts of the carriage
6.2 Cleaning after use
Remove wood chips and saw dust produced and left on the machine
during work. Clean the carraige assembly removing all wood rests.
6.3 Replacing the saw blade
Safety note ! Wear safety gloves - pinched hands danger.
Before replacing the blade make sure to disconnect the machine
from power (unplug the electric motor).
Following instructions apply for safe and proper blade replacement:
● Disconnect power off the machine (unplug power cord or stop the
motor of the tractor) and wait for the blade to come to a complete stop.
● Tip the upper blade hood over by releasing and removing the 4
hex-screws with hex-nuts - all screws step by step, not at once!
● Release and undo the fi xation bolt on the blade clamping fl ange.
using a spanner and hold the blade using another spanner (wrench fl ats
SW41) to secure the blade fl ange on the motor side as you undo the nut
● Remove the clamping fl ange.
● Pull the old blade off the shaft (make sure to wear tear-resistant
gloves. DANGER!) and take it out through the top.
● Fit the new blade on the shaft. Note direction of rotation. All tools must al-
ways work against the feed direction that is revolutions must occur towards
the operator’s station (see fi g. 3).
● Mount the locking fl ange back on the blade shaft minding the right posi-
tion of the feather-key in the fl ange.
● Tighten the shaft nut to hold the fl ange securely in place! ATTENTION
to assemble the new blace follow the sequence: blade, external clam-
fl ange, washer, fi xation bolt.
● Refi t the blade hood in the original position duly set and clamped.
log carriage
saw blade