BG Corp 2005
Unpacking Your BG Loudspeakers and Amplifier
1. Due to its size and weight, the R-800 is shipped in a wooden crate. Other models
are shipped in cardboard boxes. Place the shipping box down on the floor, ensuring
that you have adequate space to set the loudspeaker down after removing it from
the box. Caution: If your floor is not carpeted, lay a blanket or other suitable soft
fabric on the floor to prevent possible damage to the loudspeakers.
2. Rotate the box if required, so that the white product label affixed at the factory is on
top and facing up.
3. Pull the top flaps (cardboard box) or the top cover (wooden crate) of the shipping
box up, taking care not to cut yourself on the staples used to close the box. Open
the other cardboard end flaps to expose the loudspeaker still cradled in its
protective foam and inside a protective plastic bag. Remove the foam pieces over
the top of the loudspeaker.
The R-800 has two plywood panels attached with screws on the sides that secure
the loudspeakers into the box. Use a screwdriver to remove those panels before
taking the speakers out.
Remove the loudspeaker by lifting it straight up and out of the box. Due to their
weight, we recommend that two people work together to remove the R-800 from the
Cut the taped seams of the amplifier box with a utility knife. Open the box flaps and
carefully remove amplifier from the box.
General Information