Operating Instructions
Pilot’s Guide
• Some alternate displays can be strapped to filter out other traffic.
• Refer to chapter 3 for a description of the TA criteria and other
factors that affect the display of traffic symbols.
Respond to Traffic Advisories
Do not attempt evasive maneuvers based solely on traffic
information shown on the TCAS791 display. Information
shown on the display is provided to the aircrew only as an
aid in visually acquiring traffic which may impose a colli-
sion threat. It is not a replacement for ATC and the See &
Avoid concept.
The TCAS791 alone does not ensure safe flight. You must
still visually scan the airspace around your aircraft fre-
quently. The TCAS791 relies on information obtained from
transponders in nearby aircraft. The TCAS791 does not de-
tect or track aircraft which are not equipped with an oper-
ating ATCRBS transponder.
When the TCAS791 issues a TA, look outside for the intruder aircraft.
If you can’t see it, you may want to contact ATC for additional traffic
information. When you spot an intruder aircraft, use normal right-of-
way procedures to maintain separation. Begin evasive maneuvers only
in response to visual contact with the intruder aircraft.
Turn On the TCAS791 While in Flight
This section describes a scenario in which your TCAS791 was not turned
on prior to takeoff, but must now be turned on during flight. The proce-
dures for turning on the TCAS791 during flight are the same as those
listed previously under preflight instructions except that instead of go-
ing into standby and displaying the standby screen after the startup
screen, the TCAS791 goes directly into the 5 nmi range, normal display
mode after the startup screen. (See figure 2-11.) An alternate display
may switch into some other altitude display mode and range.
The TCAS FAIL message displayed on some alternate displays during
startup may change to TCAS OFF momentarily before changing to TA
Post-Flight Instructions
The TCAS791 will automatically switch into standby once you’ve landed
and have been on the ground for at least 24 seconds. (This delay allows the
TCAS791 to remain out of standby during a touch-and-go maneuver.) Once
on the ground in standby, you can manually switch back out of standby to
monitor traffic above and around you, or you can stay in standby. In either
case, you can turn off the TCAS791 as described below. You may want to