What effect does the hair growth cycle have on light-based hair removal?
Every hair on our body goes through the three phases of the hair growth cycle: ana-
gen, catagen and telogen. These phases have a significant influence on how effective
the light-based hair removal is.
Anagen is the hair growth phase, while catagen is the transitional phase and telogen
is the resting phase.
Although the duration of a complete hair growth cycle differs from person to person
and depends on the area of the body the hair is gro-
wing on, the cycle generally lasts 18 – 24 months. At
any given time, the majority of the hair follicles on an
area of skin are in the resting phase. The beurer Velvet
Skin Pro can have no effect on these resting hairs.
However, the hairs in the anagen growth phase res-
pond to the beurer Velvet Skin Pro. Please note that
at least one complete hair growth cycle is required in
order to achieve long-lasting hair removal using the beurer Velvet Skin Pro.
With the beurer Velvet Skin Pro, safety is the top priority
• IPL technology with the beurer Velvet Skin Pro – the highest level of safety with a lower level of
Thanks to Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology, lasting hair removal results can be achieved with a
mere fraction of the energy used by other light-based hair removal devices. The low level of energy
used in the beurer Velvet Skin Pro reduces the potential risk of damage or complications and contri-
butes to your general safety.
• beurer Velvet Skin Pro protects your skin
Light-based hair removal is not suitable for naturally dark skin tones or tanned skin. The beurer Vel-
vet Skin Pro features an integrated
skin colour sensor
that measures the colour of the area of skin to
be treated, meaning that it is only possible to use the device on suitable skin colours. This safety fea-
ture prevents you from treating your skin if it is too dark or too tanned. The light opening of the device
features built-in UV protection, blocking dangerous UV radiation.
• beurer Velvet Skin Pro protects your eyes
To protect the eyes, the beurer Velvet Skin Pro features a built-in skin contact sensor. The sensor
was developed so that no light pulses can be emitted when the device is held in the air. A flash is
only triggered when the skin contact sensor is resting on your skin.
Anagen – growth
Catagen – transitio-
nal phase
Telogen – resting
18 – 24