• The accessories may only be used by one person;
use by several people is not recommended.
• If the treatment involves inhaling several different
medications one after the other, please be aware
that the atomiser [8] must be rinsed under warm tap
water following every usage. See “Cleaning and dis-
infection” on page 8.
• Please observe the notes on changing the filter in
these instructions for use.
• Check that hose connectors are firmly attached to
the nebuliser [4] and the atomiser [8] before each use
of the device.
• Before use, check the device is working correctly by
briefly switching on the nebuliser (together with the
connected atomiser, but without medication). If air
comes out of the atomiser [8], the device is working.
6.1 Installing the atomiser insert
• Open the atomiser [8] by twisting the top anticlock-
wise against the medication container [11]. Place the
atomiser insert [9] into the medication container [11].
• Ensure that the cone for administering medication fits
well on the cone for the air duct inside the atomiser
6.2 Filling the atomiser
• Fill with an isotonic saline solution
or pour the medication directly in-
to the medication container [11].
Avoid overfilling. The maximum
recommended filling quantity is 8
• Use medication only as instructed
by your doctor and ask about the
appropriate inhalation period and
quantity for you.
• If the prescribed quantity of medication is less than
2 ml, top this up to at least 4 ml with isotonic saline
solution. Dilution is also necessary with viscous me-
dications. Here too, please observe the instructions
of your doctor.
6.3 Closing the atomiser
• Close the atomiser [8] by twisting the top clockwise
against the medication container [11]. Ensure that
the connection is correct.
6.4 Inserting the valve
• Press the valve [10] into the opening intended for this
purpose on the upper side of the atomiser [8].
The valve system ensures better delivery of the me-
dication to the lungs. Only use the valve [10] with the
mouthpiece [12], never with the masks [13, 14] or the
nosepiece [n/a.].
6.5 Connecting accessories to the atomiser
• Attach the desired accessory to the atomiser [8]. The
mouthpiece [12] or nosepiece [n/a] can be directly
attached. The children’s mask [13] and baby mask
[14] must be attached to the atomiser using the an-
gled fitting [15].
The most effective form of nebulisation is by using
the mouthpiece. Nebulisation using a mask is only re-
commended if it is not possible to use a mouthpiece
(e.g. for children who are not yet able to inhale using
a mouthpiece).
When using a mask to inhale, take care to ensure the
mask fits well and the eyes are unobstructed.
• Before the treatment, pull the atomiser [8] upwards
out of the holder [6].
• Start the nebuliser using the On/Off switch [2].
• Spray mist pouring out of the atomiser indicates that
the device is operating correctly.
6.6 Treatment
• Hold or place the baby or infant to be treated in the
most upright position possible. Do not use the device
when the baby or infant to be treated is lying down.
• When inhaling, older children and adults should sit
upright and relaxed at a table and not in an armchair
to avoid compressing the airways and therefore im-
pairing the effectiveness of the treatment.
• Breathe in the atomised medication deeply.
The device is not suitable for continuous operation;
after 30 minutes of operation it must be switched off
for 30 minutes.
During the treatment, hold the atomiser straight (ver-
tically), otherwise the atomisation will not work and
faultless functionality is not guaranteed.