TorqPlus EM-Series Actuator
Installation and Operating Instructions
Wiring Instructions
CAUTION: Electrical operation of each actuator must be through an individual single pole switch to isolate the
unused motor winding. Parallel power circuits may create noise in the line and cause the actuators to operate
Each actuator is provided with the latest revision wiring diagram. Should the actuator come without the
wiring diagram, please contact your local distributor or supplier.
Each actuator is equipped with a terminal strip to which all field connections should be made. Route all
wiring through the actuator’s conduit connections and wire to the provided wiring diagram.
All wiring, conduit connections, and materials should be made in accordance with local and national codes.
Securely tighten all screws and check all other connections.
Cover Replacement
Visually inspect actuator to insure that the output shaft seal and the o-ring seal is in place and undamaged.
Carefully replace the cover on the actuator.
Install the cover screws and tighten evenly.
Replace the declutching/indicator knob being sure that the set screw is located against flat on the center
shaft. Note: This step is not required on the 100 and 800 series.
10.0 Cam Adjustment (reference photo below)
Torque Switches
All 800 series actuators are equipped with two torque limiting switches. These switches are factory pre-set for
the rated torque of the actuator and are not field adjustable. Should these switches ever be tripped, it is to
safeguard the driven device and the actuator from damage. In cases where the torque cam has tripped, it
is recommended that the driven device is fully tested with a torque wrench.
Travel Limit Switches
Each actuator is supplied with two travel limit switches operated by an individual cam. One cam/switch con-
trols the actuator’s CW rotation while the other controls the CCW rotation. To adjust the limit setting for either
extreme, perform the following steps:
Remove cover from actuator per section 7.0.
Caution: Some of the following steps will be performed with the
actuator energized. Remove all tools, equipment, and body parts while the actuator is energized.
Determine which cam/switch is controlling the CW and CCW direction by reviewing the wiring diagram
supplied with the actuator.
Note: Standard industry installation uses limit switch/cam #1 (bottom) for the
CCW direction and limit switch/cam #2 (2nd from bottom) for the CW direction.
Determine which cam requires adjustment and energize the actuator until the cam set screw is accessible.
Remove power and loosen the set screw using a 3/32” allen wrench.
Re-energize the actuator position it to the proper position.
Cam Setting For All Actuators