Product warranty terms and conditions
From the date of purchase Auto Secure USA will offer a minimum of a 3 year warranty (See details
under Warranty), due to any problem arising from the quality of the product.
Warning: Any tampering with the module voids any and all warranties.
24-hour Towing Benefit
As a member of our Roadside Assistance Program, you will be covered for a tow of up to 15 miles
and/or other covered service that does not exceed the benefit limit of $100.00. Your membership
continues for a period of 12 to 36 months depending on your agreement, from the date of purchase
and registration. This is not a vehicle liability insurance contract. This is not a vehicle physical
damage insurance contract. Service obtained from any source other than a properly licensed and
insured roadside assistance provider is not covered and is not reimbursable. 24-Hour Roadside
Assistance: You will be given an 800 number for your 24-hour emergency roadside benefits.
IMPORTANT: Please be with your vehicle when the service provider arrives, as they cannot service
an unattended vehicle. Towing- Provided for up to 15 miles at no charge to member. Additional
mileage is the responsibility of the member and will be negotiated prior to sending out service
(extrication is included - 1 truck 1/2 hour).
Theft Guaranty
The theft protection system guarantees to pay the warranty holder the guaranteed benefit set forth
below in accordance with the terms and conditions listed: The Covered vehicle is
Stolen and not recovered within 60 days or stolen and deemed a total Loss by the holder's
Insurance company
For the purpose of this Warranty the following terms shall mean:
Customer means the purchaser of the Vehicle, as listed in the application section of this Warranty. A
Customer also means an individual who has purchased the vehicle from the original Customer and
has formally transferred the Warranty.
Vehicle means the four-wheeled private passenger vehicle, van, pickup or light truck not to exceed
3/4 ton capacity, as listed in the application section of this Warranty which has had the Auto Security
System installed.
Total Loss means Total Loss Theft for any Reason: A vehicle theft is deemed to be a "total
loss theft
for any reason" in the event the Customer's primary insurance company or an appraiser authorized by
the claims administrator has declared the vehicle a total loss as a direct result of theft.
Date of Loss means the date on which the theft of the Vehicle occurred. If such date is
indeterminable, the Date of Loss will be either the date established by the primary insurance
company or the date the theft was reported to the Police, whichever is the earlier.