Remove 2x4 blocks. Save blocks,
some will be used when installing
gables. The remaining (2) two
trusses with one gusset will be used
in a later step.
Install a 67-1/2" door header between
the front wall frames on top of header
supports. Secure with 10d sinkers.
Nail through the top 2x4 plate and the
wall studs with 10d sinkers.
Step 6
Set Walls
Step 5
Install Collar Ties
Select (3) three trusses that have gussets installed
on both sides and install a 1x4-72" long white pine
board on one side as shown. Use (4) four 6d common
nails on each end.
1x4 Collar Tie
Board is Primed
2x4 Wall Brace
67-1/2" Door
Erect wall panels. IMPORTANT:
Make sure walls are plum and
square. Secure wall panels together
at the corners. Use (4) four 10d sinkers
per corner. Use 10d sinkers or, if
erecting on a concrete slab, concrete
anchor bolts (not included) spaced
24" apart.
Brace the front wall on either side of
the door opening using (2) two 72"
long 2x4s.