Cut a 2x4-6' in half and install a 3' piece over the front
wall, against the left gable plate. Use 10d sinkers.
Install a 6' long 2x4, cut the 3' piece to finish.
Install tie plates on the back wall.
Front Wall
2x4 Tie Plate
Step 12 Install 2x4 Tie Plates & Door Trim
2x4-6' Tie Plate
Install (2) two 1x3x72" boards along each side of the door opening, flush with the bottom
edge of the siding. Tack these boards with a couple nails; you may want to move the trim
later when you install the doors. Use 8d galv. nails.
Install a 1x3x71-3/4" board, that has angle cuts on both ends, across the top of the side trim.
Door Trim