Use 1-1/4"
Screws Here
Apply Constructive Adhesive
Install Siding Flush
With Bottom of Door
1. Locate siding for the left door. Cut the siding,
the factory edge
, to the width of the door frame.
Cut the length to 71". Trace the shape of the door on the backside of the siding panel. This
will serve as a guide for fastener placement. The door frames are temporarily held together
with corrugated fasteners, this is the back side of the door frame.
2. Place the door on level surface, face side down. Position a siding panel on frame with the
bottom siding edge flush with the bottom of door frame. The top of
the door frame will project 3/4" beyond siding. Secure
siding to door frame with construction adhesive
and 1" screws provided.
Step 15 Apply Siding to Doors
Paint the siding and the door frames before you attach the siding to the door.
It will be easier to paint the door frame before the siding is applied. Seal the bottom
edges of the siding and door frames. If the bottom of the doors are in close vicinity
to the ground or ramp, they will absorbed moisture and rot.
5. Lay doors on level surface with the trim facing up.
Install hinges to the left side of the door frame. Use
the shorter 1-1/4" screws. The screws have a square
head, the bit is packed with the screws. To position
the hinge properly, hold the rectangular plate against
the frame.
6. Repeat process to install hinges to the right side of
the other door.
3. Install a 2x4 x 69-1/2" long board to the back
of the door. Position this board flush at the top
of the siding and extending 3/4" past the edge
of the door. This board will serve as a door
stop. Secure with 2-1/2" long wood screws.
4. Apply siding to the other door frame.
2x4 Extend 3/4" Past Door