7.1 Blinking indications
In standard, information :
Actuator running electrically
Actuator opening electrically
Actuator closing electrically
are not blinking.
Switch 11
Move switch 11 to position B to have the 3 information blinking
Actuator running
Actuator opening
Actuator closing
are blinking
7.2 Indication relay N°1
In standard, relay N°1 indicates limit switch open. Jumper on support 14 in position LSO
(Limit Switch Open).
Jumper support 14
Move jumper on support 14 to position TSO (Torque Switch Open) for relay N°1 to indicate
torque switch open.
In standard, relay N°1 is with contact normally open. Jumper on support 22 in position
Jumper support 22
Move jumper on support 22 position for relay N°1 to be with contact normally close.
Configuration relay 1 : jumper support N°14 and N°22
7.3 Indication relay N°2
In standard, relay N°2 indicates limit switch close. Jumper on support 15 in position LSC
(Limit Switch Close).
Jumper support 15
Move jumper on support 15 to position TSC (Torque Switch Close) for relay N°2 to indicate
torque switch close.
In standard, relay N°2 is with contact normally open. Jumper on support 23 in position
Jumper support 23
Move jumper on support 23 to position for relay N°2 to be with contact normally closed.