8. Control function of the dosing unit at the control valve and overflow
If the outflow for filling of a tanker has been elevated, the dosing quantity has to be
changed. Re-adjustment at control valve is absolutely necessary.
If no pure water is given and the filter plant is switched to circuit, the control valve
and gate valve have to be closed or the quick-coupling has to be separated
respectively. The dosator is switched off.
The dosator has to be uncoupled during backwash of the
precoat filter.
IV 1.4.6. Shut-down, storage
After shut-down the plant has to be discharged thoroughly. Open all valves, so that
the water can flow out from the displacement tank.
Especially the flow meter has to be protected against frost and has to be
stored in the box for accessories (blow through at opened adjusting valve).
Then unscrew the filling socket and pour out the residual chemical solution.
It is not allowed to take the full chemical bag from the tank,
as it would crack from its holding.