Setting up the Camera
In "Test" mode you can test out the optimum recording angle and choose the area
in which the motion sensors will operate.
Set the "Off" slider to "Test", shut the camera and lock it using the locking catch
and place the camera in the desired position. If you move towards the camera from
the side, the PIRs will sense your motion and a blue LED will light up. Move toward
the centre and the central PIRs will detect your motion, which will then be indicated
with a green LED. Use these parameters to adjust the precise placement of the ca-
Activating the camera for use
Once you have selected your settings and have placed the camera in the desired
position, switch the slider to “On“.
The red LED on the front of the camera will flash for a few seconds, indicating that
the camera is ready for use.
Night-time recording
Infra-red LEDs on the front of the unit will provide the necessary illumination for
night-time recording and images.
Playing back recordings on the monitor screen
Set the slider switch to the "Test" position and press the "Replay" key. The latest
image will be displayed. The total number of images will be displayed on the upper
right on the display. Using the "Up" and "Down" keys you can scroll through the
images. Using the "Shot" key you can zoom into the image you are viewing, and
with the "OK" key you can zoom out. You can use the indicator arrow to determine
the zoom area. Using the "Menu" key you can delete all selections, delete all
images, activate a slide-show or activate write-protection.
When the currently selected recording is a video, (this will be indicated in the upper
left of the display), press the "OK" key to play the video. Press the "OK" key once
more to stop the video. Pressing the “Menu” key will return the video to its start