Speaker-1 inputs, or alternatively a subwoofer.
Make sure that each audio amplifier is switched OFF, or that the speakers’ output selector on
the amplifiers is in the OFF position.
Press and select Amplifier A or B on the TC-7250 front panel, depending on which amplifier
you wish to listen to.
Press and select Speaker-1 if you wish to use only the main speakers connected to Speaker-
Press and select Speaker-2 if you wish to play both the speakers connected to Speaker-1
and Speaker-2
Or, press and select Speaker-2 if you want to play the main speakers plus the subwoofer
connected to the Speaker-2 outputs.
Now switch ON the amplifier(s).
- Make sure that your amplifiers can handle speaker impedances of 4 Ohms if you
wish to connect four full range speakers to your amplifiers. Those speakers should
have an input impedance of 8 Ohms or more.
- Do not leave the amplifier that is not playing in the ON position. It is best to switch the
unused amplifier OFF.
- Do not switch between two amplifiers or speakers whilst there is music playing through
them that can also be heard through any of the speakers. This could otherwise trigger the
protection circuit in some amplifiers into assuming that there is a faulty connection, and
shut down the amplifier.
For further information and updated instructions, please visit
http://www.homehifi.co.uk and select the Instructions menu option.