Section 1 — Receiving and Handling Instructions
Receiving and Handling Instructions
1.1 Receiving
The Bently Nevada 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface module is shipped with
Vibration Transducer Interface modules installed on the backplane and in the
enclosure or as separate units depending on ordering information. Carefully
remove all equipment from the shipping containers and inspect the equipment for
shipping damage. If damage is apparent, file a claim with the carrier and submit
a copy to Bently Nevada Corporation. Include part numbers and serial numbers
on all correspondence. If no damage is apparent and the equipment is not going
to be used immediately, return the equipment to the shipping containers and
reseal until ready for use.
Handling and Storage Considerations
Store the 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface module and any other Bently Nevada
equipment in an environment free from potentially damaging conditions such as
high temperature, excessive humidity, or a corrosive atmosphere.
Circuit boards contain devices that are susceptible to damage when exposed to
electrostatic discharge. Damage caused by obvious mishandling of the board will
void the warranty. To avoid damage, observe the following precautions in the
order given.
Do not discharge static electricity onto the circuit board. Avoid tools or
procedures that would subject the circuit board to static damage. Some
possible causes include ungrounded soldering irons, nonconductive plastics
and similar materials.
Personnel must be grounded with a suitable grounding strap (such as 3M
Velostat No. 2060) before handling or maintaining a printed circuit board.
Transport and store circuit boards in electrically conductive bags or foil.
Use extra caution during dry weather. Relative humidity less than 30% tends to
multiply the accumulation of static charges on a surface.
1.3 Disposal
Customers and third parties that are in control of product at the end of its life or
at the end of its use are solely responsible for proper disposal of product. No
person, firm, corporation, association or agency that is in control of product shall
dispose of it in a manner that is in violation of United States state laws, United
States federal laws, or any applicable international law. Bently Nevada
Corporation is not responsible for disposal of product at the end of its life or at
the end of its use.