- If ena bled (as set by the fac tory) the Te le com Mo du le calls ALL Te lep ho ne Num -
bers which are pro gram med for Te le mo ni to ring and are as so cia ted with an event.
- If di se na bled the Te le com Mo du le will end the call as soon as one such call suc ce -
eds to get thro ugh.
Call all vo i ce Mes sa ges Num bers
- If ena bled (as set by the fac tory) Te le com Mo du le calls ALL Te lep ho ne Num bers
which are pro gram med to send a Vo i ce Mes sa ge as so cia ted with an event.
- If di se na bled the Te le com Mo du le will end the call as soon as one such call suc ce -
eds to get thro ugh.
Mes sa ges Page
The Mes sa ges page pro grams Vo i ce Mes sa ge pa ra me ters, as de scri bed be low.
Fi xed Mes sa ges - This sec tion shows the de scrip tions as si gned to the first se -
ven re cor ded Mes sa ges.
- Mes sa ge 1: He a der Mess.
- Mes sa ge 2: Alarm Mess.
- Mes sa ge 3: Fa ult Mess.
- Mes sa ge 4: Lo gic Fa ult Mess.
- Mes sa ge 5: Pre-Alarm Mess.
- Mes sa ge 6: War ning Mess.
- Mes sa ge 7: Walk Test Mess.
The se de scrip tions co uld NOT be chan ged.
Ge ne ral Mes sa ges - In this sec tion it wo uld be pos si ble to as sign a de scrip tion of
up to 20 let ters at the most to the Mes sa ge nos. from 8 to 32.
Events Page
The Events page al lows the pro gram ming, for each event which is re co gni zed by
the Con trol pa nel, of the Te lep ho ne Num bers to be dial led, the Event Code and the
Vo i ce Mes sa ge to be sent, as de scri bed be low.
The Events co lumn shows the events which are re co gni zed by the Con trol pa nel.
Alarm Num bers/Fa ult Num bers/Ge ne ral Num bers
The Alarm Num bers/Fa ult
Num bers/Ge ne ral Num bers re fer to the Te lep ho ne Num bers in the me mory of the
Li stings Page. Se lect the Te lep ho ne Num bers which have to be cal led for each
event: a symbol will in di ca te that the cor re spon ding Te lep ho ne num ber shall be cal -
led by the cor re spon ding event.
The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 1 to no. 8 co uld only be cal led by Alarm and
Pre-AlarmEvents. The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 9 to no. 16 co uld only be
cal led by Fa ult, War ning and Test Events. The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 17
to no. 32 co uld be cal led by all events.
The C-ID co lumn shows the Event Code which is sent by the cor re spon ding
event, when a Te lep ho ne Num ber which is pro gram med for Te le mo ni to ring is cal led
with ID Con tact Pro to col (see the Li stings Page) : di gi ti ze the Event Code which
iden ti fies the cor re spon ding event, in ID Con tact for mat (three he xa de ci mal di gits).
The fac tory Event Co des ap pe ar in Ta ble 2 at page 10.
The SIA co lumn shows the Event Code whi che is sent from the cor re spon ding
event, when a Te lep ho ne num ber which is pro gram med for Te le mo ni to ring is cal led
with SIA Pro to col (see the Li stings Page): di gi ti ze the Event Code which iden ti fies
the cor re spon ding event, in SIA for mat (two let ters).
The fac tory Event Co des ap pe ar in Ta ble 2 at page 10.
The Event Co des which are pro gram med for Con trol pa nel Alarm, Alarm Pre-Alarm,
Con trol pa nel War ning, Con trol Pa nel Fa ult and Con trol pa nel Test Events, are the
same as tho se sent for the re spec ti ve Zone Events and Net work Events: Sof twa re
Zone, Con ven tio nal Zone and Net work Alarms, Sof twa re Zone, Con ven tio nal Zone
and Net work Pre-Alarms, Sof twa re Zone and Net work, Sof twa re Zone Fa ult, Con -
ven tio nal Zone and Net work War nings, Sof twa re Zone and Net work Test.
Mes sa ge
The Ge ne ral Mes sa ge co lumn shows the Vo i ce Mes sa ge which is sent
by the cor re spon ding event, when a Te lep ho ne Num ber which is pro gram med for
the sen ding of Vo i ce Mes sa ges is cal led (see the Li stings Page) : click twi ce on a cell
of the Ge ne ral Mes sa ge co lumn, to se lect the Vo i ce Mes sa ge you wish.
The se lec ted Vo i ce Mes sa ge is lin ked to the He a der Mes sa ge and to the Sta tus
Mes sa ge. This lat ter de pends on the type of event which gi ves rise to the call
(Alarm, Fa ult, Lo gi cal Unit Fa ult, Pre-Alarm, War ning, Test). See "Vo i ce Mes sa -
ges" in the "Ge ne ral De scrip tion" pa ra graph for fur ther de ta ils.
Period Test
The Pe riod Test box is used to pro gram the pa ra me ters cor re spon -
ding to the Pe riod Test, as de scri bed be low.
First Test Date and Time
– Set the date and time for the first Pe rio dic Test.
Inter val
– Set the in ter val bet we en two Pe rio dic Tests: the in ter val may be set to a pe -
riod of bet we en 1 and 25 ho urs, in steps of one hour; the de fa ult set ting is 24 ho urs.
The Pe rio dic Test event IS NOT re cor ded in the Events Log.
Zo nes Page
The Zo nes page pro grams the pa ra me ters re la ting to the Sof twa re Zo nes. This pa ra graph
de scri bes the pro gram ming of the Sof twa re Zo nes as re la ting to the Te le com Mo du le.
Se lect the events which sho uld give rise to the calls.
Te lep ho ne Num bers
Se lect the Te lep ho ne Num bers which sho uld be cal led by
the se lec ted events in the Events sec tion.
The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 1 to no. 8 co uld only be cal led by Alarm and
Pre-Alarm Events. The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 9 to no. 16 co uld only be
cal led by Fa ult, War ning and Test Events. The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 17
to no. 32 co uld be cal led by all events.
Ge ne ral Mes sa ge
Se lect the Vo i ce Mes sa ge which sho uld be sent by the se lec -
ted events in the Events sec tion, when a Te lep ho ne Num ber which is pro gram med
to send Vo i ce Mes sa ges is cal led (see the Li stings Page).
The se lec ted Vo i ce Mes sa ge is lin ked to the He a der Mes sa ge and to the Sta tus
Mes sa ge. This lat ter de pends on the type of event which gi ves rise to the call
(Alarm, Fa ult, Pre-Alarm, War ning, Test). See "Vo i ce Mes sa ges" in the "Ge ne ral
De scrip tion" pa ra graph for fur ther de ta ils.
Event Co des
When a Zo nes Event calls a Te lep ho ne num ber which is pro gram -
med for Te le mo ni to ring (see the Li stings Page), the same Event Code which is pro -
gram med for the Con trol Pa nel Event is sent (see the Events Page):
for the Sof twa re Zone and Con ven tio nal Zone Alarm event, the Event Code
which is pro gram med for the Con trol Pa nel Alarm event is sent;
for the Sof twa re Zone and Con ven tio nal Zone Pre-Alarm event, the Event Code
which is pro gram med for the Con trol Pa nel Pre-Alarm event is sent;
for the Sof twa re Zone War ning event, the Event Code which is pro gram med for
the Con trol Pa nel War ning event is sent;
for the Sof twa re Zone and Con ven tio nal Zone Fa ult event, the Event Code
which is pro gram med for the Con trol pa nel Fa ult event is sent;
for the Sof twa re Zone Test event, the Event Code which is pro gram med for the
Con trol pa nel Test event is sent.
Net work Events Page
The Net work Events page pro grams the Te le com Mo du le re la ting to Net work
Events. The left-hand side of the Net work Events page shows the in for ma tion de -
scri bed be low for each Con trol Pa nel Net work.
Shows the ad dress of the Con trol Pa nel Net work.
Con trol pa nel
Shows the name of the Con trol Pa nel Net work.
De scrip tion
Shows the de scrip tion as si gned to the Con trol Pa nel Net work.
On the right-hand side of the Net work Events page are set the pa ra me ters re la ting to
the Con trol Pa nel Net work se lec ted on the left-hand side, as de scri bed be low.
Even ts
Se lect the events which sho uld give rise to the calls.
Te lep ho ne Num bers
Se lect the Te lep ho ne Num bers which sho uld be cal led by
the se lec ted events in the Events sec tion.
+ The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 1 to no. 8 co uld only be cal led by Alarm and
Pre-Alarm Events. The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 9 to no. 16 co uld only be
cal led by Fa ult, War ning and Test Events. The Te lep ho ne Num bers from no. 17
to no. 32 co uld be cal led by all events.
Ge ne ral Mes sa ge
Se lect the Vo i ce Mes sa ge which sho uld be sent by the se lec -
ted events in the Events sec tion, when a Te lep ho ne Num ber which is pro gram med
to send Vo i ce Mes sa ges is cal led (see the Li stings Page).
The se lec ted Vo i ce Mes sa ge is lin ked to the He a der Mes sa ge and to the Sta tus
Mes sa ge. This lat ter de pends on the type of event which gi ves rise to the call
(Alarm, Fa ult, Pre-Alarm, War ning, Test). See "Vo i ce Mes sa ges" in the "Ge ne ral
De scrip tion" pa ra graph for fur ther de ta ils.
Event Co des
When a Net work Event calls a Te lep ho ne num ber which is pro gram -
med for Te le mo ni to ring (see the Li stings Page), the same Event Code which is pro -
gram med for the Con trol Pa nel Event is sent (see the Events Page):
for the Net work Alarm event, the Event Code which is pro gram med for the the
Con trol pa nel Alarm event is sent;
for the Net work Pre-Alarm event, the Event Code which is pro gram med for the
Con trol pa nel Pre-Alarm event is sent;