4.2 Functions
Device description
5235 / 05/2022 en
“Hz” key
“Hz” function
The “Hz” function is intended for measuring the mains frequency.
Press the “Hz” key to enable the “Hz” function. With the function being enabled, the “Hz” symbol
is shown on the digital display. Press the “Hz” key (>1 second) to disable the function
The device determines the frequency of a voltage or a current signal by counting how many
times per second the signal exceeds a certain threshold (level). When the “Hz” function is
enabled, the input sensitivity adjusts automatically depending on the measuring function used.
Press the “Hz” key to manually set the available trigger thresholds according to the following
table. Level 0 has the highest sensitivity and level 3 the lowest sensitivity. The currently set level
is indicated by markings in the bargraph indication.
Level 0
6 V
600 μA
60 mA
6 A
Level 1
60 V
6 000 μA
600 mA
10 A
Level 2
600 V
600 V
Level 3
1 000 V
1 000 V
Table 6:
Trigger thresholds
It is recommended to measure the measuring signal (voltage or current) in the automatic
measuring range selection (AUTO) first so that the trigger threshold is set automatically, and
only then to enable the “Hz” function. If the measured value is not stable, use a lower sensitivity
to suppress interference. If the measured value is 0 Hz, use a higher sensitivity.
“VoltSense” key
“Voltage indicator” function
The “Voltage indicator” function is intended for non-contact localisation of AC voltages to earth.
Press the “VoltSense” key to enable the “Voltage indicator” function and to set the sensitivity.
Press the “VoltSense” key (>1 second) to disable the function afterwards.
“PEAK” key
“PEAK” function
The “PEAK” function records and stores the positive and negative peak value (>0.35 ms) during
voltage or current measurement (except for AutoV LoZ).
Press the “PEAK” key to enable the “PEAK” function. With the function being enabled, the
“PEAK” symbol is shown on the digital display. Press the “PEAK” key (>1 second) to disable the
function afterwards.
The device confirms each detection of a new maximum or minimum value with a brief acoustic
signal. Press the “PEAK” key to toggle between the display of the maximum value (MAX) and
the minimum value (MIN).