Thank you for choosing our VN.45EL ratiomotor.
All items in the wide Benincà production range are the result of twenty-years’ experience in the automatism
sector and of continuous research for new materials and advanced technologies.
We are, therefore, in the position to offer higly reliable products that due to their power, effectiveness and
useful life, fully satisfy the final user’s requirements.
All our products are manufactured to the existing standard and are covered by warranty.
Possible injury to people or accidents caused by defects in construction are covered by a civil liability policy
drawn up with one of the major insurance companies.
1.General information
For an efficient operation of these automatisms, the door must have the following features:
- Good stoutness and stiffness.
- All hinges must have positive clearances and permit smooth and regular manual operations.
2. Limit stops adjustment (fig.2)
The VN.45EL is equipped with limit stops both for the opening and the closing; it is anyway advisable to use
the limit stops only when opening. For the adjustment proceed as follows:
• Unscrew the screws V and the case C
• Loosen the grain G.
• Delay or anticipate the limit stop intervention by rotating the cam A and tighten the grain G.
3. Manual release
In case of no electricity, the VN.45EL offers 2 options of manual move:
3.1 Release from the inside (fig.3)
• Remove the cap T from cover.
• Insert the suitable L key into the pivot P, make it rotate 180°.
• After the manual operation, rotate the key by 180° again.
• Once the electricity is back, the first move will restore the normal running.
3.2 Internal release - wire external DU.MS45 (fig.4)
• Insert the steel cable C into the lever L.
• Pass the sheath G with the cable terminal K until reaching hole F.
• To fix the steel cable C into the handle as per drawing 4.
• To rotate the handle in order to release.
• Rotating again the handle, the first move will restore the normal running.
The civil liability policy, which covers possible injuries to people or accidents caused by defects in construction,
requires the system to be to standard in force and to use original Benincà accessories.