There are four work modes with combine use of E and F
Please refer 3.6 for mode selection
K1 mode:
This is the default mode for Single smart card (either E card or F card) access.
K2 mode:
A single smart card (E or F) need to either lock or unlock the SHDL.
K3 mode:
(Double card access mode, there are two card (Any one of F and E) needed at same time to unlock.)
K4 mode:
Any one F with one E card need to be presented at same time, in order to unlock the lock, but only one
smart card need for the lock the SHDL.
VII. Smart Cards deregistration.
7.1 Swipe the admin card 5 times consecutively to deregister all E and F cards; the buzzer sounds two long
7.2 Swipe the system card 5 times consecutively to deregister all admin cards (no effect on user card and
service cards), then the buzzer sounds two long beeps.
VIII. Speech function:
The Benetek Smart Hidden Door Lock (SHDL) is fully supported by voice reminder. The voice reminder
support 7 languages include English, Chinese and Spanish etc. The language is selected with the four keys
remote controller. Please perform this setup with an external power source in connect. The language is chosen
with following combination of the four keys:
Hold down
for five seconds
the buzzer sounds 3 beeps
with a voice states “setup
successful” in Chinese.