Page 62 of 73
Jan. 10, 2003
rev 02
Once a year, check steering gear. If necessary renew any parts (bushings, glands, etc.)
that are worn. Lubricate the steering chain and cable and or gears.
Never lubricate Nylon, Ertalon or Teflon bushings, with either oil or grease, use only
If you have wheel steering, maintenance should be in accordance with the manufacturer's
Make regular checks on all the clamps, the condition of the quadrant, the cables or push
rods, guide sheaves and the chain in the column to the wheel.
Make regular checks of the steering end stops to ensure they are adequately stopping the
rotation of the rudder, this is important for direct drive push rod systems. Over rotation of
the rudder could cause a steering lock up.
The internal woodwork used in most of our boats is varnished. This should be regularly
rinsed off with fresh water and a little liquid detergent, then polished with a chamois
Should the woodwork become damaged, gently rub it down with very fine sandpaper and
touch it with several coats of the varnish. Your dealer will be able to order Beneteau
varnish. When this is dry, rub it down with a very fine wet-and-dry sandpaper (grade 800
or 1000) and finish off with polish (or a silicone spray) or wax.
It is essential for an electrical system to have a battery in sound condition to function
properly. The following are some of the things to maintain a battery in the best condition.
Keep the battery clean and the terminal posts well greased.
Keep the battery electrolyte checked regularly
Keep the battery fully charged.
If you have to leave your boat unused for more than a month it is best to leave your
batteries with your yard so that they can be kept charged. Keep a suitable charger
onboard so you can recharge your batteries at dockside without having to turn on the
If you have an inboard engine, check the condition and tension of the alternator drive belt.
From time to time, spray a little WD-40 or something similar on all the connections to the
control panel, terminal boxes and lamp sockets. Make sure that cable grommets are
watertight; smear them with Vaseline so that they do not dry out and deteriorate.