Adjust the chain in following methods:
1. Support the motorcycle with side stand.
2. Loosen rear axle nut.
3. Loosen locknut.
4. Turn adjusting nut to adjust the tightness of the chain. Reference marks are adopted on left and right swing
arm and should reach the same grid after adjustment. Retighten the rear axle nut after adjust the chain
tightness to 10~20mm and confirm again
During regular maintenance, check the following conditions of the chain:
(1) Loose pin (2) Damaged roller
(3) Rusty chain link (4) Twisted or snarled link
(5) Excessive free play (6) Loose chain
The sprocket is probably damaged, if any above-mentioned problems on the chain are found.
Check the following items for sprocket:
When use new chain, check both front and rear sprockets if they are still in service limit and replace them,
if necessary