tion messages automatically to one or more
predefined numbers.
Twig SOS calls and messages, as well as other appli-
cation settings, can be defined in Twig Configurator.
For more information on configurating the application,
general twig sos settings on page 24
Note that Twig SOS is a secondary emergency aid
feature and cannot be considered as a substitute for
calling to your local emergency number.
Using Twig SOS also requires that there is a valid SIM
card in the phone.
Starting Twig SOS
Twig SOS application can be launched by the following
ways: pressing Twig SOS key, selecting Twig SOS in
the phone’s
menu, using a shortcut key, or by
some other application, e.g. Verticality sensor, if they
are available in the phone.
When Twig SOS is started, all settings defined for it
are taken into use. These settings include e.g. appli-
cation sound and visibility, GPS, and Twig SOS event
settings, as well as settings for Twig SOS cycle and
post emergency state. You can also see a special icon
in the GPS area, indicating that Twig SOS is active.
Twig SOS key
Twig SOS key locates on top of your phone. It has to
be enabled in order to use it to active Twig SOS appli-
cation. If the key is disabled, nothing happens when it
is pressed.
When the Twig SOS key is enabled, you can use it to
launch Twig SOS application also when your phone is
powered off. When starting the application in power
off state, press and hold down the button until Twig
SOS is started.
For more information on phone keys and other outer
parts, see
twig discovery user’s manual, introducing the
phone on page 11
Twig SOS events
Twig SOS application cycle consists of events which
are formed by user-defined calls and messages. The
events form an event list, which can be examined and
modified in Twig SOS configuration settings. In the
list, the defined events appear in the intended order of
- Twig SOS calls: Twig SOS calls are made by
the Twig SOS application to phone numbers
defined in Twig SOS configuration settings.
Twig SOS calls are processed in the order