Connect the signal input lines to the input connectors. These connectors are located on
the back of the H1. Whether feeding from a balanced source or an unbalanced source, you
should wire the input as though it were receiving its signal from a balanced source. Use the
“forward reference” technique outlined in the Benchmark Media Systems application note –
“A Clean Audio Installation Guide”. This application note is available for download from the
Benchmark web site. Using this wiring technique will help eliminate hum pickup from the
Connect the power cord extending from the back of the H1 to a PS-1 or PS 12 power
supply. Because the H1 power input is bridge-rectified it will operate normally with the + and –
supplies reversed, so you can use either a reversing or non-reversing RJ-11 coupler as
necessary. The H1 must be powered from a bi-polar DC power supply with a recommended
minimum power voltage of ±9 volts and an absolute maximum power voltage of ±18.7 volts.
Voltages that are less than ±9 will generally not provide adequate output volume from the
headphones. Voltages that are higher than ±18.7 may cause damage to the H1. The
Benchmark PS-1 or PS-12 power supplies are ideally suited to power the H1.