Doc 0256680 rev L
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Wireless Test
The wireless range test is a combined DSA6000
Noahlink/SAS Range Check test using the SAS-3
with its MAC address entered into the DSA 6000
system configuration and a Noahlink mounted di
rectly in any of the DSA 6000 units USB ports. No
fixture is required performing a wireless range test
At the end of the test sequence, after all acousti-
cal test are done, the operator will be instructed
to remove the HI from the test chamber, insert
a battery (if necessary) and evaluate the quality
of the streaming signal. If the signal is accepted
click Pass. If the operator wish to mark this HI as
defective click Fail
Regardless if the operator select Pass or Fail the
device must be reconnected to the DSA system
after evaluation is done
How to get the MAC address of the SAS: It is not
directly available in the STD version. SAS stream-
ers with MAC address labeled on the HSG can be
requested from GTO. Please note that they are
not available through regular ordering channels.
Please contact HQ / GTO