When you have installed the hob, make sure that
• The power supply cable is not accessible through cupboard doors or drawers.
• There is adequate flow of air from outside the cabinetry to the base of the hob.
• If the hob is installed above a drawer or cupboard space, a thermal protection
barrier is installed below the base of the hob.
• The isolating switch is easily accessible by the customer.
Fitting moisture/dirt seal
• The cooktop should be placed on a stable, smooth surface (use the packaging).
Fit moisture / dirt seal to underside edge of the cooktop. See below illustration.
When cooktop affixed to work surface this seal will reduce risk of moisture and
dirt from getting underneath the edge of the ceramic glass surface.
Locating and fitting the fixing brackets and cooktop to work surface
While the cooktop is upside down the fixing brackets should be put into place.•
• Fit the fxing brackets to the base of the cooktop in the two sides locations.
Place cooktop into pre-cut housing in work surface.
Fix the cooktop to the work surface by screwing the two brackets on the bottom
of cooktop (see picture) after installation.