Vortex Flowmeter
Date:24/04/2020 User’s Manual
35 / 59
Remark:The unit code is 75:kg/hour, 19:m3/hour.
Set primary command to flow rate.
Test of command:
Send command 1: FF FF FF FF FF 82 9A 1A AD 18 8C 01 00 3A ;to read the IEEE754 float
value of primary variable.
Receive command 1:FF FF FF FF FF 86 9A 1A AD 18 8C 01 07 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 2A
7.1.3 Command 2:Read primary variable’s current and percentage value
Command formate:
Read the current and percent of the primary variable, the current of primary variable always match
the AO current output of the instrument. Percent is not restricted within 0~100%, if it is beyond the
limit of primary variable, it will find the limit fo the transmitter.
Request: None
Byte 0-3: Analog output current mA, IEEE754
Byte 4-7: Percent of range , IEEE 754.
Test of command:
Send command 2:FF FF FF FF FF 82 9A 1A AD 18 8C 02 00 39 ; to read the current and
primary variable percent of range.
Receive command 2:FF FF FF FF FF 86 9A 1A AD 18 8C 02 0A 00 00 40 80 00 00 00 00 00 00
7.1.4 Command 3:Read primary variable current and dynamic variables
Command formate:
Read the current of primary variable and 4 preset dynamic variables at maximum. The current of
primary variable always match the AO output current of the instrument. Every type of device has a
definition on a relative dynamic variable, for example the secondary variable is temperature sensor.
Request: None
Byte 0-3: Analog output current mA, IEEE 754
Byte 4: Primary variable unit code
Byte 5-8: Primary variable, IEEE 754
Byte 9: Secondary variable unit code
Byte 10-13: Secondary variable, IEEE 754
Byte 14: Tertiary variable unit code
Byte 15-18: Tertiary variable, IEEE 754
Byte 19: Quaternary variable unit code
Byte 20-23: Quaternary variable, IEEE 754
Remark:Primary variable is flow rate. The unit code is 75:kg/hour, 19:m3/hour;
Secondary variable is total flow. The unit code is 61:kg, 43:m3;