The File Transfer service allows this computer to perform file operations on the Bluetooth
Exchange Folder (and the folders and files it contains) of a remote device.
Basic setup procedure
Right-click the Bluetooth icon and select “Explore My Bluetooth Places”.
Configure Windows Explorer so that the Folders pane is visible (View > Explorer Bar > Folders).
In the Folders pane, select “Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood” and then, on the menu bar, select
“Bluetooth > Search For Devices”.
In the Folders pane, expand Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood to show the devices in the vicinity.
Copy to/from a remote device
In the Folders pane of Internet Explorer, from the Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood branch, select a
device and expand that branch to view the Bluetooth Exchange Folder of the remote device.
NOTE: “Public Folder” is not available, the remote device is not configured to allow remote file
Use drag-and-drop to copy any file or folder contained in the Public Folder of the remote device to
the desired folder on this computer.
You can also drag-and-drop files or folders from this computer to the Public Folder (and its
sub-folders) of the remote device.
Other file operations
Right-click a file or folder in the remote device’s Public Folder for a context-sensitive menu. All
potential menu options may not be available at all times.
Potential menu options include:
Open—opens the selected file on this computer, using the default application for this type of
Print—sends the selected file to this computer’s default printer.
Send To
3½ floppy (A)—the 3½-inch floppy drive on this computer
Public Folder on My Device—the Public Folder on this computer.
Rename—applies only to empty folders; file names and the names of folders that contain
objects cannot be changed using this technique.
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Refresh, View & New—standard Windows functions.
3.6.7 Headset Service
The Bluetooth Headset Service allows this computer to provide audio input/output for remote
Bluetooth devices.
For example, if the remote device is a Bluetooth telephone, this computer’s microphone and
speakers can be used as speakerphone input and output for that device.
NOTE: Windows 98 limitation—see section 5.11 for more info.
Hardware Requirements
This computer must have a sound card, microphone, and speakers installed.
The Bluetooth radio on both this computer and the remote device must support audio.
Configure the Headset Service
From the Windows system tray, right-click the Bluetooth icon, select “Advanced Configuration
> Local Services”, and then double-click the Headset service.
Set the common configuration properties of the service, and then click “OK”.
3.6.8 Network Access
The Bluetooth Network Access service makes it possible for a remote Bluetooth device to use the
Local Area Network connection that is physically attached to this computer.
After this computer has been configured to provide the Network Access service to other Bluetooth
devices, it will not be able to use the Bluetooth Network Access service provided by another
Bluetooth device without being reconfigured. Put another way, this computer cannot be both a