Alle Teile müssen sachgerecht fixiert und regelmäßig kontrolliert werden. Andernfalls können sie sich lösen oder sonstige Gefahren darstellen. • beleduc Lernspielwaren GmbH •
The individual elements are intended to be assembled by adults. All parts must be properly fixed and regularly controlled. Otherwise they may work loose, become detached or present a danger in other ways. • beleduc
Lernspielwaren GmbH •
Helps develop:
•Auditory perception
• Fine motor skills
• Creativity
• Hearing
Helps develop:
• Auditory perception
• Tactile perception
• Powers of hearing
Helps develop:
• Visual perception
• Perception of the “self”
• Tambourine
• Drum
• Touch-and-sound balls
• Touch-and-sound ‘apron’
• filled with: crackle foil/ small plastic balls /
squeaky ball / little bell
• 2 sides of mirror: convex /concave
„Musik Element“
„Clown Element“
„Mirror Element“
The castle inhabitants also have musical entertainment. When all three instruments are combined, unique
“music compositions” are created.
The court jester provides amusement and entertains the assembled company. He attracts attention with his
touch-and-sound accesso-ries.
sizzling foil
plastic balls
squealing sounds
The mirrors in the castle are sure to please the princess. They seem to be a bit odd and they make people’s
bodies into funny shapes. Sometimes the person in front of the mirror looks thinner - and sometimes fatter.
crackle foil
plastic balls
squealing sounds