Technical Manual
0970 PSL 700 | 0970 PSL 701
Version 1.21 / 24.09.2014
Specifications subject to alteration!
Page 13 of 17
b) Profibus network
In case of an error Profibus devices send a diagnostic
message to the Master (sensor/actuator short circuit,
undervoltages). The Master then requests the diagnos
tics telegram of the device, which can consist of a max
imum of 244 bytes, the same as the information data.
The first six bytes (byte 0 to byte 5) of this diagnostics
telegram are standardized and the
content cannot be altered. The userspecific diagnostics
begins with byte 6.
The userspecific diagnostics is made up of 7 bytes
with the present device. The overall construction of the
diagnostics telegram can be obtained from the following