Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Networking Essentials
Networking Essentials
The following network prerequisites must be met:
• Any multiviewer you wish to configure or access by using XEdit or XAdmin must be
connected to an Ethernet switch.
• A client workstation must be connected to the LAN or Ethernet switch to access the
multiviewer by using XAdmin or XEdit.
• The Ethernet switch must support 100 Mbps full-duplex connections.
• The port on the Ethernet switch to which the multiviewer is connected should be
configured to auto-negotiate. By default, multiviewers have their Ethernet ports set to
auto-negotiate. If a switch does not support auto-negotiation, the recommended
settings are 100 Mbps, full-duplex.
Assigning an IP Address to Each Device in your System
Multiviewers and most peripheral devices that are part of a Kaleido-MX system
communicate through a TCP/IP network. Configuring your system’s network parameters
includes the following:
• Assigning an IP address, and specifying the appropriate network mask, gateway
address, and a system name for each multiviewer. See
• Configuring the RCP-200, if available. See
• Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2, if available. See
• Configuring the Audio Bridge Terminal (ABT), if available. See
Setting the Multiviewer’s IP addresses
For the Kaleido-MX multiviewer to join a TCP/IP network, it must be configured with a
system name, appropriate IP addresses, network mask, and gateway settings. You must also
configure the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller’s networking parameters, and any Kaleido-RCP2
and Audio Bridge Terminal units you may have ordered, and a client PC to communicate
with the multiviewer and its peripheral devices (see
Configuring a PC to Configure an ABT’s
A quad-head Kaleido-MX requires three IP addresses (one for each output card, one for the
system), while a dual- or single-head requires only one (the output card’s IP address
doubles as the system IP address). The Kaleido-MX is shipped with the following default
Kaleido-MX default IP settings
IP address
Network mask