Master Control (ITX-MC)
User Guide
Delaying the ending of a live source event
When a live source event is currently on air, it might be scheduled but in reality its exact
ending time might be unknown. For example, the coverage of a sport event which includes
the playout of commercials only when the play allows for a pause or break. In such a case,
the operator presses the iMC panel’s
Cue Next
and then
Hold Next
buttons to ready and
delay the playout of the next scheduled event (commercial clip). The live source event
keeps playing and delays the remaining scheduled events until the operator presses the
iMC panel’s
Take Next
button. The iTX automation system resumes control of running the
schedule by playing out the subsequent events.
on page 35 demonstrates that items IN-072 and N072 are master control primary
and secondary events that are currently on air and scheduled to playout from 04:40:19:00
to 4:40:43:00, followed immediately by the video clip, BITC PAL SD. Pressing the iMC panel’s
Hold Next
button delays the playout of the next item and updates the schedule’s
progressive timing until a Take Next operation is executed.
Fig. 4-2: Delaying the end of the live source event by holding the next scheduled item
Skipping the next scheduled primary event
Pressing the iMC panel’s
Skip Next
button causes the next scheduled event not to take
place and the event is immediately removed from the timeline and schedule grid.