14 / 30 EN
Refrigerator/User Manual
Operating the product
Joker mode: Freezer
5. Multi Zone compartment
temperature setting button
When this button ( ) is pressed, the
temperature on the indicator can be set
to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2 and 3°C if the joker
compartment is set to fridge mode. If
the joker compartment is set to freezer
mode, the temperature on the indicator
can be set to -18,-19, -20, -21, -22, -23
and -24°C.
6.Multi Zone compartment on / off
If the joker compartment is active, the
fridge function of the joker compartment
will be deactivated when this button
( ) is pressed and held for 3 seconds. If
the joker compartment is not active, the
fridge function of the joker compartment
will be activated when the same button
( ) is pressed and held long for 3
seconds. In case of power failure, the
product will remember if the joker
compartment was on or off. You can
save energy through this function.
No food should be placed into the joker
compartment when it is off.
When joker
compartment is off, the temperature
indicator of joker cabinet is shown as - -.
When the Joker compartment is off
mode, the keys related to the joker
compartment are not active. When you
set the joker compartment to fridge or
freezer mode, the keys will be activated
Joker compartment off
Joker compartment on
7. Termination of the high
temperature warning
In case of power failure/high
temperature alarm, after checking the
foods in the freezer compartment, press
( ) to clear the warning.
Indicator panel in case of
a high temperature alarm
In case of high temperature alarm,
press the button in the circle to clear the
Indicator panel while the
high temperature alarm is off