6.3 Configurable functions
This section provides an explanation of each
configurable function and should be read in
conjunction with Fig 7.
6.3.1 Screens (Display format)
The BA488CF-F can display up to eight fieldbus
variables. These are identified as IN_1 to IN_8.
The fieldbus variable that each one represents is
determined by the BA488CF-F configuration at the
fieldbus system host – see the FOUNDATION™
fieldbus Interface Guide.
This sub-menu allows one of eleven standard
display formats to be selected. The standard
formats contain one, two, three, four or eight
fieldbus variables some with bargraphs as shown
The ‘Text Display’ option which enabled custom
formats to be created is depreciated i.e. still
available but no longer actively supported.
One variable
Two variables
Four variables
Eight variables
One va horizontal bargraph
Two var horizontal bargraphs
One va vertical bargraph
Two var vertical bargraphs
Three var vertical bargraphs
Four var vertical bargraphs
Eight var horizontal bargraphs
6.3.2 Input Settings
Note: Only included in Revision 1 instruments. Omitted
from Revision 2 instruments because these parameter
can be easily configured in the Display Transducer
The Input Setting function is divided into two
groups of sub-functions. The first, ‘BarLimits Src’
is included to maintain backwards compatible with
earlier firmware issues in which fieldbus variables
IN_7 and IN_8 were used to define all the
bargraph limits. This reduced the number of
fieldbus variables that could be displayed with