BEKA BEKA-MAX Скачать руководство пользователя страница 18

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...a product of BEKA


Error memory empty

If there has never been an error during the process of the control unit, the message „error memory empty“ is displayed
when calling the menue „error messages“.

Fig. 18:


Read out an error or warning when using a sectional system

Errors and warnings are shown by a blinking display and by plain text in the lower display line.


Press OK to get to the errors and warnings

Fig. 19:

error memory empty

section 2
cycle time
lubr. time







Содержание BEKA-MAX

Страница 1: ...reserved 5 a product of BEKA Subject to alterations BEKA MAX Integrated control unit GIGA multitronic Basic settings Revision 10 2015 Original operating and assembly manual BAL2172_GIGA_multitronic_basic_settings_1015_EN 1 ...

Страница 2: ... Setting of control unit 10 7 4 Enter or change password 11 7 4 1 Enter password 11 7 4 2 Change password 11 7 4 3 Forget about password 13 7 5 Intermediate lubrication 14 7 6 Error messages and warnings 15 7 6 1 Read out error and warning when using a progressive single lines and dual lines lubrication system 15 7 6 2 Read out error and warning report when using a progressive single lines and dua...

Страница 3: ...tternundBetriebsanLineenderHerstellerim Anhang 2 Encloseddocuments Drawing 2172 000 Part list 2172 000 Description GIGA PLUS grease lubrication pump with integrated control unit GIGA multitronic Operating manuals BAL GIGA and GIGA PLUS without control unit BAL GIGA multitronic for progressivee central lubrication systems BAL GIGA multitronic for sectional unit BAL GIGA multitronic for single line ...

Страница 4: ...dwiththissymbol Warningsofsuspen ingloadsaremarkedwiththissymbol d Warning of damage to property due to electrostatic discharge Marks potential risks which may result in materialdamage ifnotavoided This he ding is used if the improper or general non observeance of the operating manual a specifiedworkflowandthelikeresultindevicedamage Thistermisusedtoindicatespecialities Absolutely observe indicati...

Страница 5: ...andappropriately Hydraulic hoses and polyamide pipes are subject to a natural aging process and thus have to be exchangedinregularintervalsaccordingtothemanufacturer sspecifications Asafetydatasheetofthecurrentlyusedlubricantneedstobeprovidedatthedevice 3 5 Safetyinstructionsformaintenance inspectionandassembly All and may only be carried out by who is maintenance inspection assembly works trained...

Страница 6: ...ctrostatic discharge There are electronic components integrated into the devices which might be destroyed by electrostatic discharge Observe the safety precautions against electrostatic discharge according to DIN EN 61340 5 1 3 Ensure that the environment persons workplace and packing is well groundedwhenhandlingthesedevices 3 9 Generalhazardnote residualrisk All components are designed according ...

Страница 7: ...yclesofthedevice Observe to have the necessary training and authorization to operate the central lubrication pump and carry out the necessaryworks Anotheruseorausebeyondisnotaccordingtotheregulations 5 Scopeofguarantee Guarantee in regards to operational safety reliability and performance will only be granted by the manufacturer if the centrallubricationpumpisusedaccordingtotheregulations Assembly...

Страница 8: ...rfromslippingduringthetransport Observe all valid safety and accident prevention for the transport Wear suitable if protection equipment necessary The transport help or the elevating device must have the Keep distance to suspending loads adequatecarryingcapacity When storing the central lubrication pump pay attention that the storage area is cool and dry to avoid corrasion of the individualpartsof...

Страница 9: ...sivee or sectional systems as well as singlelineunitsandduallineunits Operating modes and signals are shown via the display of the integrated control unit The parameter except the lubrication system setting can be set or changed directly at the control unit or by means of diagnosis software BEKA DiSys from version V4 0 8 502 The bush for connecting the integrated control unit with a laptop or pc i...

Страница 10: ...ic operates cycle dependent this means a lubrication cycle consists of the lubrication duration pump operating time and cycle time The sequential lubrication contains the lubrication duration of main line 1 and main line 2 in sequence at the beginning of the cycle time The exact description of the function can be found in manual GIGA multitronic for dual line lubrication systems in chapter 6 6 1 s...

Страница 11: ...ntegrated controlunit The OK button confirms the current setting The ESC button deletes the modification the control unit operates with the previous setting The ESC button also initiates an intermediate lubrication If no button is pressed for more than 1 min the control unit switches back to status display The entered password is deleted 1 2 Display Control element Control buttons Confirm Interrup...

Страница 12: ...theintegratedcontrolunitrequestsapassword ChooseanumberbymeansofthecontrolbuttonsandconfirmwithOK Repeattheprocedureuntilyouhavetoentera6digitnumber Fig 6 7 4 2 Changepassword Youcanchangethepasswordifyouwanttoavoidmodificationsofunauthorizedpersons Statusdisplayisshown PressOKtogettosettingmode Iferrororwarningsareavailable pressOKforasecondtime Fig 7 settings error messages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 p...

Страница 13: ...controlbuttonstoselectthemenu info andpressOK Fig 8 Usethemenucontrolbuttonstogettomenu display andpressOK Fig 9 Usethemenucontrolbuttontogettothemenu changepassword andpressOK Fig 10 info common progressive signals control clock calendar display light contrast language change password 13 ...

Страница 14: ...ext Aboveistheinputfieldforthenewpassword Choosethepasswordpositionyouwanttochangebymeansofthecontrolbuttons Usetheupanddownbuttonstochooseanumberandgoonforthenextposition ConfirmthenewpasswordwithOK Fig 12 7 4 3 Forgetaboutpassword Password can also be changed with BEKA DiSys also if you do not know the current valid password Proceed as describedinoperatingmanualofBEKA DiSysV4 0 8 502 1 2 3 4 5 6...

Страница 15: ...s isforthefunctioncontrole g afterchangingtheparameteroraftererrorresetthatarenotdeletedautomatically Youdonotneedapassword Initiateanintermediatelubricationviathecontrolelement Theintermediatelubricationcanbeinitiatedateverytime ineveryprogram Allpendingdataforthelubricationdurationorforthecycledurationaredeletedandthecyclestartsanew PressESCtogettotheintermediatelubricationmode PressOKtoinitiate...

Страница 16: ... g pulse error at distributor must be reset by initiating an intermediatelubricationaftertheerrorcOffehasbeensolved 7 6 1 Readoutoferrororwarningwhenusingaprogressiveeandsinglelinelubricationsystem Errorandwarningsareshownbyablinkingdisplayaswellaswithaplaintextinthelowerdisplayline PressOKtoseeerrorsandwarnings Fig 14 Example progressiveelubricationsystem If more errors or warnings occur or if an...

Страница 17: ...derrororthelastenteredwarningisdisplayed Dateandtimeforoccuringerrorisshownaswellasforthereseterror Fig 17 Thedisplayshowsthenumberofcurrentmessages messagequantityandtotalnumberofmessages Ifmoreerrororwarningsareshown usethecontrolbuttonstoscrollupordown Youcanalsodisplaypreviouserrorsand warnings totalnumberofmessage byscrollingwiththecontrolbuttons PressESCtogetoutoftheerrorandwarningreport mes...

Страница 18: ...sage error memory empty is displayed whencallingthemenue errormessages Fig 18 7 6 4 Readoutanerrororwarningwhenusingasectionalsystem Errorsandwarningsareshownbyablinkingdisplayandbyplaintextinthelowerdisplayline PressOKtogettotheerrorsandwarnings Fig 19 error memory empty sectional section 2 cycle time lubr time break 00 00 15 0 05 00 ERROR WARNING 18 ...

Страница 19: ...rror Errorlevelsensorismissing Revolutionsensorismissing Warningbatteryvoltagetoolow Warningoperatingtimeequal largercycletime Ifasectionorgroupdependenterrororwarningoccurs itisdisplayedintheaccordingsectionorgroup Fig 21 e g errorlubricationpulsemonitoring Fig 22 e g warninginsufficientlubrication ERROR empty level ERROR lubr clock pulse monitoring group 1 WARNING under lubrication section 1 19 ...

Страница 20: ...PressESCtogetoutoftheerrorandwarningreport Fig 23 The control unit does not differ if the error is related to a sector or sector exceeding and neither in whichsectiontheerrorhasoccured Thesortingisdonemerelyacc toerrorandwarnings Firstthe errorsareshown thenthewarnings 7 6 5 Readouterrorandwarningreportwhenusingasectionalsystem The error and warning report can be read out via the display of the co...

Страница 21: ...ttonstoscrollupordown Youcanalsodisplaypreviouserrorsand warnings totalnumberofmessage byscrollingwiththecontrolbuttons PressESCtogetoutoftheerrorandwarningreport 7 6 6 Readouterrororwarningwhenusingaduallinelubricationsystem Errorsandwarningsareshownwithablinkingdisplayandplaintextinthelowerdisplay Pressoktoseetheerrorsandwarnings Fig 19 message Fehler kommt under lubrication section 1 Date Time ...

Страница 22: ... levelerror Globalerrors warnings Levelerror Errorlevelsensorismissing Warningbatteryvoltagetoolow Ifalinerelatederrororwarningisdisplayed thereisanindicationofthelineinwhichtheerror warningcameup Fig 21 e g errorpressurebuildupinline1 Fig 22 e g warning ERROR empty level ERROR no pressurization line1 WARNING clock cycle monitoring line 1 22 ...

Страница 23: ...ot differ if the error is line or global related neither in which line the error has occured The sorting is done merely acc to error and warnings First the errors are shown then the warnings 7 6 7 Readouterrorandwarningswhenusingaduallinelubricationsystem The error and warning report can be read out via the display of the control unit or by means of the software BEKA DiSys fromversionV4 0 8 502 Pr...

Страница 24: ...essESCtogetoutoftheerrorandwarningreport 7 7 Activationofthepump After the first activation of voltage you have to select if the control unit shall start with a pulse off time or with a lubrication Second possibility would be to select if the current data shall be written in the memory After a reactivation the data are readfromthememoryandthecycleshallstartfromwhereithasbeeninterrupted Choosethere...

Страница 25: ...settingmode PressOKtogettothelowermenulevel Fig 27 Usethemenucontrolbuttonstochoosethemenuitem general andconfirmbypressingOK Fig 28 Usethemenucontrolbuttonstochoosethemenuitem enlargedfunct andconfirmbypressingOK Fig 29 settings error messages info common progressive signals monitoring times fill lvl monitor extended functions 25 ...

Страница 26: ...eedasdescribedin 7 4 3forgetaboutpassword Fig 30 Proceedasdescribedinchapter 7 7Activation 7 9 Queryofcontroldata The control data like type of activation version number serial number and manufacturing data of the integrated control unitcanbequeried PressOKtogetintosettingmode PressOKtogettothelowermenulevel Fig 31 extended functions switch on behaviour saved condition relay function OK signal set...

Страница 27: ...enuitem info andconfirmbypressingOK Fig 32 Usethemenucontrolbuttonstochoosethemenuitem controlunit andconfirmbypressingOK Fig 33 Fig 34 control clock calendar display GIGA multitronic progressive firmware Serial number manufatured V0 05 000007 11 11 13 info common progressive signala 27 ...

Страница 28: ... necessary to set time and date anew PressOKtogetintosettingmode PressOKtogettothelowermenulevel Fig 35 Usethemenucontrolbuttonstochoosethemenuitem info andconfirmbypressingOK Fig 36 Usethemenucontrolbuttonstochoosethemenuitem time calendar andconfirmbypressingOK Fig 37 info common progressive signals control clock calendar display settings error messages 28 ...

Страница 29: ...nddownbuttonstoselectanumberandgoonforthenextposition Repeatprocedureforallotherpositions PressOKtoconfirmthenewdate PressESCtorejectsettings Fig 39 7 10 2 Set time Usethemenucontrolbuttonstochoosethemenuitem time andconfirmbypressingOK Nowthepasswordisasked proceedasdescribedin 7 4 1enterpassword Ifyouforgotaboutyourpasswordproceedas describedin 7 4 3forgetaboutpassword date dd mm yy 15 01 14 15 ...

Страница 30: ...tposition Repeatthisprocedureforallotherpositions PressOKtoconfirmandESCtorejectasetting Fig 41 7 11 Setdisplay 7 11 1 Setdisplayillumination PressOKtogetintosettingmode PressOKtogettothelowermenulevel Fig 42 Usethemenucontrolbuttonstochoosethemenuitem info andconfirmbypressingOK Fig 43 settings error messages info common progressive signals time hh mm ss 08 47 55 08 47 55 30 ...

Страница 31: ...boutyourpasswordproceedasdescribedin 7 4 3forgetaboutpassword Fig 45 Choosetheitem on ifthedisplayshallalwaysbeilluminated Thedisplayblinksatanerrororwarning Choosetheitem off ifthedisplayshallnotbeilluminated Displaydoesnotblinkatanerrororwarning When choosing auto the illumination is active after a button has been pressed and off if no other button is pressed within10sec ConfirmwithOK Fig 46 Lig...

Страница 32: ...scribedin 7 4 1enterpassword Ifyouforgotaboutyourpasswordproceedasdescribedin 7 4 3forgetaboutpassword Fig 47 Use the control buttons up and down to choose a number and go on for the next position The is min setvalue 1 The is max setvalue 9 AfterthelastsettingpressOKtoconfirmthesettings Ifthesettingsshallberemoved pressESC Fig 48 light contrast language change password contrast 5 X 32 ...

Страница 33: ...item language andconfirmbypressingOK Nowthepasswordisasked proceedasdescribedin 7 4 1enterpassword Ifyouforgotaboutyourpasswordproceedasdescribedin 7 4 3forgetaboutpassword Fig 49 UsethemenucontrolbuttonstochoosethelanguageandconfirmbypressingOK Fig 50 german english light contrast language change password 33 ...

Страница 34: ...vationduringmaintenanceandrepairworks Further information and technical details regarding the components can be found in the enclosed operating manualsofthecomponents 9 Shut down Relievepressureofcentrallubricationpump Switchoffcurrent Havethepumpseparatedfromthecurrentsupplybyaprofessionalelectricallyskilledperson Fordemountinghaveallpipesandhosesdeconnectedfromthepumpandloosenallfixings 10 Dispo...

Страница 35: ...e lubr time ERROR WARNING error 00 00 15 0 05 00 progressive state cycle time lubr time lubricate 00 00 15 0 05 00 settinngs error messages State display e g progressive lubrication system without error warning message Fehler kommt no pressurization during monitor time ate d ime t 107 1 178 20 01 14 10 41 24 message Fehler kommt empty level date time 107 0 178 20 01 14 10 41 24 intermediate lubr O...

Страница 36: ...ll lvl monitor extended functions see BAL GIGA multitronic progressive BAL GIGA multitronic sectional BAL GIGA multitronic single line BAL GIGA multitronic dual line extended functions switch on behaviour lubrication relay function OK signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 password 0 switch on behaviour lubrication breake saved condition extended functions switch on behaviour break relay function OK signal ex...

Страница 37: ...oduct of BEKA clock calendar display control light contrast language change password 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 password 0 change password XXXXXX 555556 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 password 0 german english contrast 5 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 password 0 37 ...

Страница 38: ...3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 password 0 date time 15 01 14 08 47 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 password 0 time hh mm ss 0 8 4 7 5 5 08 47 55 date dd mm yy 15 01 14 15 01 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 password 0 GIGA multitronic progressive firmware serial number manufactured V0 05 000007 11 11 13 38 ...

Страница 39: ... BEKA 201 All rights reserved 5 a product of BEKA Foryournotes 39 ...

Страница 40: ... pumps Oil multi line pumps Grease multi line pumps Single line central lubrication system Dual line central lubrication system Oil circulation central lubrication system Oil air and spray lubrication Wheel flange central lubrication system Roller mill central lubrication system Utility vehicle central lubrication system progressivee distributors Control and monitoring devices We do not accept lia...
