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Gas imput Test
The installation of the SGM595/A probe, its ordinary and
extraordinary maintenance, and its out of service removal at
the end of the functional life guaranteed by the manufacturer,
must be carried out by authorized or specialized personnel.
The general test should be performed by issuing gas from a pre-
calibrated aerosol within the percentages illustrated on the
This test must be carried out at least once a year.
with pre calibrated gas bottle
at 20% of LEL ±2%
Gasoline vapors
WARNING! Actions to be taken in case of alarm
1) Put out all free flames.
2) Close the main gas tap or the LPG cylinder tap.
3) Do not turn any lights on or off; do not turn on any electrical device or appliance.
4) Open windows and doors in order to increase ventilation.
If the alarm stops, its cause must be found and the relevant consequent measures taken.
If the alarm continues and the cause of gas presence cannot be found or removed, abandon the building
and call the emergency services when outside (fire department, distributors, etc.)
IMPORTANT: The operation test should not be carried out with the gas tap as this does not guarantee a
sufficient concentration to activate the general alarm.
Warning !!
If you have the following symptoms: vomiting, sleepiness, or else, go to the closest first aid
station and inform the operators that you could have been poisoned by Carbon Monoxide, or
by an excess or deficiency of oxygen
Test after replacing the sensor.
Reconnect the power, the probe starts blinking to the waiting time (Warm-up).
After waiting you can proceed to test the functioning inputting the sample gas.
WARNING !! From this moment on for all the duration of 24 hours of self-calibration, the probe must stay in
clean air without loss of GAS.
The probe continues to blink at a low frequency again for 24 hours to make sure that the probe do the auto
Before performing this operation disconnect the power to the probe
Maintenance and gas sensor replacement
Probe with sensor
Probe with sensor
Probe with sensor
to be raplaced