JetWave 4110L LoRa Gateway User Manual
Page 8
and Bandwidth.
RS-485 / RS-232 Baudrate (bps)
The Baudrate setting from 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400.
RS-485 Address
Setting the RS-485 device address(1~255).
Modbus RTU Data Filter Function
Check the box to enable Modbus RTU data filter function. This function will be checked the RS-485
address and Modbus RTU checksum.
If this function is enabled, the data input from the RF(LoRa)/ RS-485/RS-232 will be compared with RS-
485 Address and Modbus RTU Data CheckSum.
Enable RS-485 Bias Voltage
Check the box to enable RS-485 Bias Voltage function. RS-485 bias voltage will provided by WW-3C28.
Adjusting Spreading Factor and Bandwidth will affect Bitrate and Sensitivity. Bitrate range is .018 -
37.5 kbps and Sensitivity range is -111 to -148 dBm