QTERM-IV/P40 User's Manual
Beijer Electronics Fax 801-466-8792 Web www.beijerelectronicsinc.com Phone 801-466-8770
Although the signal lines are the same as at a UART, the
transmit and receive lines are buffered and can be con-
nected to live signals whether or not the QTERM-P40 is
powered (turned on).
Other QTERM-P40 Hardware
The QTERM-P40 display is a 4-line by 20-character
supertwist unit with an LED backlight and large (8.1mm)
characters. The ASCII character set and eight user-defined
characters can be displayed. Hosts which transmit 8-bit
data can also display an additional 64 characters including
Greek letters, katakana characters, non-English alphabetic
characters and math symbols.
Appendix B is a chart which shows what the QTERM-P40
does with every possible 8-bit value it can receive. Note
that the ASCII portion of the chart (the first 128 characters)
is similar, but not identical, to the true ASCII chart shown
in Appendix A.
The lower right key on both the 24- and 40-key keypads is a
shift key and has an associated LED to indicate the shift
function (this can by changed by the QDATA file; see
Chapter 3). Along the left side is a column of user-pro-
grammable LEDs (four on the 24-key keypad and five on
the 40-key keypad).
Software commands and the QDATA file allow you to con-
trol both key clicks (on or off) and key repeat (on or off,
independently programmable for each key).
Every key can be programmed to return an unshifted and a
shifted character or string (up to 255 characters, including
delays, subject to the limitation noted in Chapter 3). Every
User's Panel
4 places
Cut Out This Hole
4 mm max radius
Figure 4-1. Cutout Dimensions for the QTERM-
Figure 6-4. Installing the EIA-422 Termination Resistor; Locating the EEPROM Disable Jumper.