Fig. 2.2: Correct speaker setup
This effect can be reduced by turning the speakers towards the listener. To make reflections from ceiling or
floor less likely, the tweeters should be on the same height as your ears. Please note that the TRUTH should
be operated vertically. Where this is impossible, place it horizontally as shown in the illustration (i.e. woofers
closer to each other), to allow for an improved stereo image.
Fig. 2.3: TRUTH setup horizontally
In addition to the setup position, the room characteristics also have quite an impact on the sound the TRUTH
produces. Although control room designers have calculated some ideal room sizes, we assume that you are
not willing to rebuild your entire studio, just to be able to set up a pair of speakers. Nevertheless, you should
consider the following tips:
The room acoustics should neither be too reflective nor too dull (i.e. neither bathroom nor anechoic chamber).
You can alter the room acoustics easily by installing or removing carpets, curtains or furniture. Fabric
covering on the wall opposite the speakers might be a good idea if the room is too reflective. The next chapter
describes how to adapt the TRUTH to the room acoustics, once it has been set up properly.
Adapting the TRUTH to the room acoustics
This chapter describes how you can use the switches on the rear of the B2031 to adapt the speaker to the
acoustics of your control room. However, you should try to improve a potentially impaired sound by optimizing
the speaker setup beforehand.