The ROUTING/card out page selects channel blocks that will
be provided to the Dante network controller. (e.g. 8 Local
Outputs and 3 x 8 signals from AES50 Port A)
Note that the Dante network routing must be configured
exclusively using the Dante Controller Application for Mac/PC.
The signals that have been routed from the Dante Controller App
to the X-DANTE card are available for patching to the input channel
routing on the console’s Routing/Home page. Please refer to
audinate.com for a comprehensive set of documentation, FAQ and
forum advices on configuring the Dante Controller and Dante
Virtual Soundcard applications.
A master word clock source must be selected for the network.
The X-DANTE Brooklyn II VCXO clock offers extremely low-jitter.
In this case the Setup/Config page should look like this:
Note that the status bar shows “C: 44K1” and a green light for
proper synchronization of 44.1 kHz to the card.
The second green light “C: Dante” indicates proper installation
of the X-DANTE card. The Dante Controller app configures the
network for using the X-DANTE VCXO clock in this application.
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