31 EN
Along with the coffee beans, water is the main component
of your coffee. You should therefore make sure that the
quality of the water you use is good. Since tap water is
often too hard, we recommend that you use
ltered water.
For a particularly
ne taste you can also use still mineral
water. Here, too, you should experiment, because not every
mineral water tastes the same.
In addition to the water quality, the water temperature is
also decisive for the taste of your coffee. You will get the
best results if you prepare the freshly ground coffee with re-
ally cold water. In addition to cold water, most baristas also
add ice cubes (which are likewise made from
ltered water)
to the water container so that the water stays nice and cold
for as long as possible.
Drip Speed
The drip speed allows you to give your coffee that extra kick.
The slower the pace of extraction, the stronger your cold drip
coffee will be.
Depending on your taste, we recommend that you start with a
setting of between 0.5 and 2 drips per second and then adjust
it to suit your individual taste. The preparation time will then be
roughly 1.5 – 4 hours.
Connoisseurs will choose a very slow drip speed and then
allow the preparation to take a good 6 to 8 hours. This
produces a strong,
avoursome coffee concentrate which can
also be enhanced with water if you wish.