Beechcraft TRAVELLER GB-2 1944 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 18

Содержание TRAVELLER GB-2 1944

Страница 1: ... bc corried in oirrroll o cornbol mi ion or when r e i o coconsble chonte ol ltr folling iñto tho hond ol lhe enemy P rôli åed undrt loinl svthøî ly ol ffre Cor mandlng Gencrol Army AIr Fortes lhc Cåisl cl làr 8u eou ol Àaronautlct ond lhs Aír Council of tå United Kín9áom lúOllCt lhi do emeú conloin lnlo mation øllocllng lås nolíonol dclen c ol lhe Unìtcd Statoc wilåln tåo mecning ol tùc Érpioacg ...

Страница 2: ...ns and procedures ao m ke ure thar handbooks e vice inst uc tions nd o her rcttrìctcd technical publications are actually bein mdc avail blc to bo h civílian aod enlis cd pcrrcnncl who have use fo thcm 6r rrol Thcæ insrructioos permit the i sue of restricred publications to civilian ontraca ând other acc editcd schools en a ed in treinin pcrsonncl for Gov ernmena wo k to civilian conc rns contract...

Страница 3: ... Flying Approach Landing and Cross íind Landing Stopping E ngine Before Leaving the Airplane III Flight Operating Data l Flight Planning IV Ernergency Operating Insrucrions l Erner ency Operation of Landing Gear 2 Emergency Operation of Wing Flaps 3 Emergency Exits i i 1 4 Landing on íater Ditching 5 Emergency Landing Belly Landing 6 Fire in Flight V Operational Equipmenr 1 Communications Equipmen...

Страница 4: ...RESÏRICTED AN Ol 9oCC l Section I a a I t c t I CO o s t û I Ð I ru o o q o U Ð o I o o I o I o I I i I I t RESTRICTED ...

Страница 5: ...on the left side of the airplane fust aft of he cabin door The door is t5 2 inches wide and l8 inches high and the cargo space will accommodate a marimum of t25 pounds of cargo 2 POWER PIANT The R 985 AN 3 or AN 1 Pratt and Whitney engine is a nine cylinder radial air cooled aircraft type engine The engioe has a direct drive to the propeller shaft and has a built in blower with a lO 1 ratio The en...

Страница 6: ... Elevator Tab Cont ol å LANDING GEAR AND TAIL øHEEL RETRACTION CONTROLS r Motor switch and lock are controlled by the same lever located on the instrurnent panel See figure 9 r z Hand crank for emergency operation is locat ed on the left cabin sidewall Pull to center of airplaoe to engage hand crank See ñgure LO 3 Position lights for indicating full up or full down position of landing gear are loc...

Страница 7: ...the flap switch 4 OrL HEAT CONTROL RADTATOR SHUTTER PuII control 6gure 15 7 to raise oil temPeratufe 1 Signal Pisrol Carr idge Holder 2 Copilot s Seat 3 Copilot c Seat Pa achu e 4 Radio 5 Signal Flares 6 Rea Se t 7 Cabín Door 8 Passenger Parachure 9 Data Case 10 Map Case RESTHCÏED AN Or 9oCGt Flgwe 6 Cobln Content l l P rachute Harness 12 Pastenger Parachute 13 Signal Pistol Stowed t4 V Type Anten...

Страница 8: ...NOTE ALL OIL LINES IN AIRPLANE ARE COLOR CODED YELLOW OIL TANK CAPACITY 6 5 U S GALS 5 4 IMP GALS Figure 7 Oìl Sysrem Díogram l Oil Cooler Air Duct 2 Oil Coole ì By pass Valve i Y Oil Drain 5 Oil Temperature and Pressure Gage 6 Air Duct Controi 7 B pass Control S Vent Line 4 RESTRICTED ...

Страница 9: Lighr Unit j Selector Valves r Fuel Strainer 7 Fuel f ressure Ga c tl Ca bureror 5 tUPPER 1Ât t R TAT K TO I enotne I PPÉ R L TA K lro n TANK Õ þTER L TAt l a IOTER R I I I SUPPLY LIÍ ES VENT LINES PRESSURE LII ES ORAIN LII ES WING TANKS 23 U S GALS 19 IMP GALS MAIN ÏANK 29 U S GALS 24 ll tiP GALS RESÏNICÏED ...

Страница 10: ...o3 1ft rs õvED tD oo n Þ lqfcH q trAR rnrsDl tl Y rJ ñtr ActÊD Section I IBTRIClTD AN 0r 90cGl t r Fìgure 9 Londìng Cec Conl ol Levcr l Landing Gea Control 2 Landing Gear Va ning Lights 3 R C A Range Filter Selecto Switch Fìgwe l0 Landìng Geor Emergcncy Hond Crcnk ó RESTRICÎED Figurc ll f aìl llhccl lock ond Parking l okc Høndlc llgurc I 2 lh otl e Cor l rcl Fìgvrc I 1 ll ixrwa Conl ol ...

Страница 11: ... ignitioo switcb ñgure 15 4 is mouoted just under the primer in the cenref of the instrument panel 4 STARTER BUTTON The buttoo ñgure 15 1 is located under the ignition switch r AIR TEMPERATURE SELECTOR SWITCH The switch âgure 22 l is connected to the air temperâture gage âgure 22 2r Turn to position 1 for carbu etor air temperature or to posirioo 2 for outside air temperature Sccllon I Porogroph 3...

Страница 12: ...STRICTED AN 0t 90cc t Figvrc l5 Confrols on Cenlar ol Insl umenl Pdnel 4 Ignition Switch 5 Prime 6 lnstrument Light 13 FUSE PANEL Fuses and spares for all cir cuits are located on fhis panel See ñgure 21 e HEATING AND VENTILAT ION 1 C BIN HEAT CONTROL PuII the con trol knob Êgure 15 1 on the left side of the fuse panel for cabin heat l Cabin llear Control 2 Oil Bypass Con rol j Starre Button 7 Oil...

Страница 13: ... and co pilot s side windows can be lowered for additional veDtilation t coz rrRE EXTTNGUTSHERS 1 ENGINE FIRE EXTINGUISHER CON TROt This conrol ñgure 26 2 is located on the right síde of the instrument panel jusr under rhe recog nition light switch box PULL TO OPERATE þurc lSJucl Gogc ond Selc o Srrltcå L Elevaær Tab Positio Indicaror 2 Fuel Gage and Selector Switch 3 Radio T ansmirter A oete REIf...

Страница 14: ... the roof of the cabin behind the pilot s seat The gun adaptor frgure 3oi is frxed in place Replace cap in the adaptor when pistol is not in place 3 SIGNÂL PISTOL CARTRIDGE HOLDER The cartridge holder figure 6 1 is on the right side of airplane under window sill just forward of the copilot s seat å SEATS II seats are equipped with back pack type built in parachufes RESTRICIED AN Ot 9oCC l Fìgurc 2...

Страница 15: ... ûS ure 6 251is stowed in the cargo conparrßçhr 2 PROPELLER TOOLS Thó pro reller tools are incased in a bag and are storyed io the cargo compaftment 3 CABIN COLD AIn pf Uc The cabin cold air duct llugs for cold weather operatioo are sþwed in the cargo cÕmpartment when not in use 4 ENGINE COVBR The engino cover i ctowed in the cargo compartrFeût 5 BNGTNE COI Íp RTMENT COID ArR DUCT PtUGS These rlug...

Страница 16: ...Control Box 24 lire Extinguisher Control 25 Fuel Tank Selecror Switch 26 Radio Remote Control Unit 27 Radio Azimuth Cont ol Unit 25 mmerer 29 Copilot s Rudder Pedals 30 Map Light Switch 31 Carbureror Heater Control 32 Oil Heater Conrrol 3j Ventilator Control 34 Ventilator Control 31 Insrumenr Light Control 36 Engine Primer Pump 37 Starrer Button 38 lgnition Switch 39 Fuse and Switch Panel 40 O l B...

Страница 17: ...L FUEL RESfRIdtìONS u3Ë ÊILL uaÊ RLL usE FUSÊLÂGÊ ÎÀTK fðR TAIEOFF A D LATDIT S FUSELAGE lATÍ EEFOF FIUI G gIñG IATXS wrd6 Íatxs trFoRE u8tìc PUSELÁ0E far lK LOWER IITô TÀT 16 ÊEFORE I PPEF WIIG ÍANX5 úpER WttOratß BEFoR LoWEñ WrflG r tXS RESTNICTED AN 0r 90cc l ECr Oil ll P tor oPtnAilf c ltsÌnucltors Section ll Porogrophs 1 3 f ftap control handle Up position 4 Parking brakes ON See rhat control...

Страница 18: ...ent fire in carburetor In cold weather the engine will run better if carburetor heat is applied until engine is turning smoothly 5 ENGINE WARM UP Check oil pressure at once if not 2o pounds in 30 seconds shut off engine and have investigation made å Varm up at 60O to 800 rpm After oil gage shows pressure shift propeller to INCREASE RPM or take off position oil pressure ar least 5o pounds a Minimum...

Страница 19: ...eed altitude loading surroun ting terrain and wiod conditions existiag at the time This airplane has some very desirable characteristics of which the pilot may tak full advantage by erercising good judgment and proper technigue å Pull mixture conrrol back to tbe IDLE CUT OFF position c Turo the ignition to the OfF position d Do NOT move the wheel or conrrol colurna violeotly let tbe airplane level...

Страница 20: ... allow time to discover the best available landing area 2 tf a turn is not required with 5O0 feet alti tude and no wind alaoding can be made t mile ahead of the position If a turn is required landing can be made approximately fi mile to each side or I mile behiod The ship should be kept in a practically stalled position in order not to use too much radius of turn no allowance made for wind Practic...

Страница 21: ...hroughout the Eâneuver to relieve conrol pressures A divlng VOID 3rdlon ll Pæqraphr l tt VIOI ENT UST OT THE TEROTTLE OR PROPE LLãR CONTROL IN Á DIVß AT DN GINE ST L OVER RBV CONSIDER TBLY rt NroHf FrnNc ø The landing lights should be reuacted as soon as possible afrer take off enended only for the final approach for landing and should be left oa for rhc mininum dane necessary wAnxlto Do not exteo...

Страница 22: ...ail wheel locked control handle to right check å Avoid over cooling in long glides c LANDING TECHNIQUE As a landing tech nique it is recommended that the airplane be trimmed to glide at a speed of 70 to 80 mph during the ap proach The landing can be made without further ad iustment of the elevator tab although a reasonable control force will be necessary to p event the airplane from climbing in th...

Страница 23: ...s of tåe airplaoe the fuel required and flyiog time for a given mission depeod largely upon the speed desired assuming best operat ing altitude Vith all other factors remaining equal ia an airplaoe speed ís obtaioed at a sacri6cebf iange and range is obtaioed et a sacriñce of speed The speed is usually dete míned after coosídering the urgency of the 0ight ploned again the range required The time o...

Страница 24: ...0 T 212 212 232 4r 4t 32 32 2t t8 r7 49 49 39 39 Æ 22 2t FULL _RrqHr_ FULL R CH uur RICH FULL RICH o85 o80 o80 u E toÌY own lltOWr R R TE UII ll l rr3o lJ oi IE UII fl to tt t otr cooram Itn ooltmÍtt lII F C Í D gTED 5 70 90 ilAXfnum 6 90 85 t85 iUNlilUfrl 4 50 60 r40 touNc 2 ro ota nt c coilDmo t tAil oro rr6 nt ltoofn HGE OIYB CIMCAT AIlllUDE 3 a ì o a rtt ffTTIAT Èo rax 2000 2000 4500 4500 8300...

Страница 25: ...nd tura cloctcwise about 44 turns until the gear is completely dowo The cone oa the clicking hea d aad the throttle the gear ir fully dowo 3 EMERCET CV EXtlS a The cabin door of the airplaoe nay be quickly rer oved ia flight in case of aa emergency To renoyG the door proceed as follows l Rernove rhe cover ñgure 31 over tbe release haodle frgure 32 Tbe hasdle is located bacls of ûc pilot r seat bcl...

Страница 26: ...rplane is ditched cross wind sideslip the airplane slightly to compensate for the effect of the cross wind wAntrtc OPen water usually is not as calm as it ap pears from the air z Land the airplane in a tail down attitude at as low an IAS as possible l Turn off ignitionr g n râtor and master battery switches c IMMEDIATELY AFTER DITCHING r Turn the emergency door release and handle and push cabin do...

Страница 27: ...quipment of this airplane å OPER A TING INSTRUCTIONS 1 RECEIVER a Turn the OFF VOLUME control swirch figure 33 1 clockwise Plug headphones in plug receptacle on bottom of remote control unit and turn the fOFF VOLUME cootrol knob to the right uotil r flying noise or sigoal is heard in the headphones å Select the desired frequency range band No l 2 3 or 4 on frequency switch See figure 13 2 CAUTION ...

Страница 28: ...Unil range course The A and N signals will blend into a conrinuous dash iñ errupred by the sration identiñca tion whe airplane is oa course The airplane may theo be flown on course to the location of the radio range sration j rrival at the destination is indicated by an abrupt decrease in head set volume which is due to entering the cone of sileoce Note A radio range course rnay also be flown with...

Страница 29: thc station you desire to conracr and listen io to be sure the operator is not talking to someone else If the station is transmitting take advanrage of the opportunity to rnore açcurarely set the airplane receiver on the assi necl frequency and when the other operator is through proceed with your trans mission c VOICE TRANSMISSION L Ser transmitter C 1üø phone selector switch figure 14 2 to PHO...

Страница 30: ... I I solotor F Ttaosûitter Fìgvtc 37 Rodlo tqulprnrnt lnOalloilon gCR AR lt3 G Tr os uiter Spare C oils H Receiver Spare Coil L Dyn mo er J Hand Micropbone Ii Keying Relay L llead Set M Filter Hi Lo Bank Switch O Tuniog Cont ol P Receiver Coorml Q Traosmitter C onuol R Transmitter Key ...

Страница 31: oot set somewhere between poritioas RESTilCTED AN OI gOGC I Flgun 38 Rcmolc Confrol SCR Ai 183 RESTRICÍED S cflon V Pcro roph I e Turn volune coouol rhrough its eotire aog to te t for ao iotermittent short circuit oo some isolated position when receiver is iooperatíve Check fuse and make sure ir is tighr in holder 2 Ir UNABLE TO TR NSMIT a Check proper position of switches å Check microphone or...

Страница 32: ...r c TuTn INCI EASI OUTPUT control knob to the right until a frying noise or signal is heard in the receiver Note For all normal voice or trf C ùl reception the radio receiver ñlter selecto switch should be set ar llOTFI lo receive radio range MCW with less possibilitv of voice in er ference set the frlter selector switclr to RANGE To receive voice wirh less possi bility of radio range interference...

Страница 33: ... into micropbone u s A Antenoa Battery storage Beacon radio raoge Beam landing Capaciry oominat gas Ceiling Chord Controls Convertor Copilot Cylinder Drift Duct air Empeanage Exit Fiker air Flyiog bliod Gasollne gas Gear landing Gross weight Ground Gyro horizon Aerial Accumulator Radio track beacon Approach beam Gas volume Cloud height Chord line Flying conrrols Motor generator a c d c Second pilo...

Страница 34: ...SEA ÊO ELOTEÊ EÊIR RÂÎIT_ IO I c4Rl lnÉnoÈ ì Rec RJEL GTAE 87 Âæmm oarÉ Eælo rcll x xrful ls rEüP ALT sr o axtl0x cNriúous IÂXE trf ÁiD IERG iCt Irxul 5 IrNUÍES ALTIÏUDE PERFORMANCE HORSE POWER AND MANIFOLO PRESSURE Ø a U E L eJ ê U ts 500 I U 400 Ðo È U ì o d 200 roo l l Y É o U 6 o SEA LEVEL PERFORMANOE HORSE POWER VS MANIFOLD PREgSURE fû Frao rcfual H P wx GrvEN PRfsS l R r t t ptrEss o tRE Ân ...

Страница 35: ...t43 r9 9 r6 6 t4 9 t 4 t5 2t2 7 4 ot t 2tao r 930 200 800 490 2çrô oD trrlt lu raY Al a æo Ff to q rt to cJ t300 840 520 270 18 8 rz9 ra5 263 ttt otY oo rygrl_l to curl otm i lc cJ I E 1 tt r vÍ locrt t â 3 tjer i l n I ar ó Qo t ioo l q ø ar I rq r 990 890 88 76 420 aT 76 E9 77 88 76 Inl uf t20 500 340 _ fr 770 490 3t0 22 t5 40 t 4 to Al t u fi la q r lo ð 200 so tEo 2æ 650 410 m ilo 740 r60 2io ...

Страница 36: ... D I L LEVÍL Zf ruffi Lfr ru ä À lr luclçX L MûUI c L flllE ltat t D FICulll trl lt L flx rat It ËJrcr 1o ttrlStol tîr tl lclt cã cl G J æ I I t 7 6 Þ Sr 23 21 6 6 27 ß rlru Es EAil EAil 7 3 684 66 53r 456 ro o L t 8 P r38 t40 t lo l lO t4A I P l t700 t700 t700 r700 t700 r2t l03 æ æ o É0 æ I to æ ro t Pc t æm Ito00 Itltoo FO aoæ t000 lL AL ALLT I1I AÑCE Ù T AVAILABL j IN FLIGHT i i 6r4 7 r6 648 OP...
