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Quality Check and Calibration
The FeNObreath™ will allow a 2-step quality check to be performed, this should be performed within
6 months before an annual calibration, or more frequently if required. This is to ensure the
FeNObreath™ is within specification. The 2-step quality check will be carried out using filtered
ambient air and 100ppb Nitric Oxide (Quality Check Bag). MGC Diagnostics Corporation or the local
service center can do this or a CaliBag® kit can be purchased separately (see CaliBag® component
layout below).
Before carrying out the 2-
step quality check ensure the ambient level of nitric oxide is ≤100ppb. To
carry out an ambient check, follow the procedure within this manual. If the 2-step quality check is
successful, the 200ppb Nitric Oxide gas (CaliBag®) will not be required, and should be disposed of
according to the local waste guidelines.