Bedfin LLC User’s Guide revision B20160427.1. Call Bedfin LLC at (253)882-4112 for assistance.
This guide is provided based on typical installation and requirements for vehicles which Bedfin signage was designed. Every vehicle is different
in design and condition and strict attention to the vehicle limitations must be recognized and evaluated by installer and user. Bedfin accepts no
liability for units improperly installed and operated or any units installed on vehicles for which Bedfin signage is not suitable. Product support
may be provided from Bedfin LLC by phone or in other mediums without obligating Bedfin LLC to any liability for damage, injury, or death.
Comprehensive and regular inspection of Bedfin signage is the responsibility of user to ensure safe operation.
Thank you for purchasing a Bedfin signage system
Bedfin LLC created Bedfin signage to support you in your mission and wants you to get the most from its use. The
following information will help you safely achieve the most from your Bedfin unit. Read this entire guide and
contact Bedfin LLC with questions, so you fully understand the product prior to use. If you transfer ownership or
lend the Bedfin unit to another user, make sure the User Guide and Emergency-Wrench are made available to the
user. All operators of vehicles with Bedfin signage installed must understand the dangers present when operating
during certain conditions or with an improper installation.
Closely follow the instructions and suggestions in this guide. Installing and operating Bedfin in a manner
inconsistent with this guide can be dangerous and may result in damage to property and injury or death to people.
Proper maintenance as described in this guide will ensure the Bedfin system’s long term performance.
No modifications to your vehicle should be made to accommodate the Bedfin signage system as it has been
designed for universality among different vehicle makes. If for any reason the unit will not install or operate as
described in this guide, contact Bedfin LLC for assistance. Bedfin signage installation requires the use of hand tools
only. Power assisted tools should not be used, as they may damage the hardware and could lead to product
failure. If at any time during installation any component of the system shows signs of defect, wear, or is
problematic, discontinue the installation, remove all installed components, and contact Bedfin LLC for support. Do
not attempt to repair or modify your Bedfin signage system.
Bedfin signage is not designed to restrain loads. Do not tie off, hook, or clamp anything to your unit which is not
provided by Bedfin as an accessory. Load restraining accessories are available through Bedfin.
Thank you again for choosing Bedfin signage for your mission. Whether you are building a business, fundraising,
promoting your organization, or campaigning, Bedfin LLC wishes you all the best.
Call or email for assistance (253)882-4112 /