Product overview
FC7501 and FC7502
Version: 2.0
Bus Coupler for SERCOS interface
A further advantage results from the use of Beckhoff Bus Terminals with the BK7500 SERCOS Bus Coupler,
which enables the high data rate, short cycle time and high deterministic features of SERCOS also to be
used for classic I/O technology. Up to 64 the Bus Terminals for different analog or digital signals can be
coupled to a single Bus Coupler. Machine manufacturers with a high drive consumption and low I/O
consumption no longer have to install an additional I/O bus.
SERCOS control system
With TwinCAT as software PLC/NC, SERCOS cards, digital servo drives and Bus Terminals as I/O system,
Beckhoff thus provides a complete PC-based control system for the SERCOS interface.
The PCI cards for SERCOS interface FC7501 (single-channel) and FC7502 (double-channel) enable direct
access to the SERCON816 ASIC. The driver for these passive cards is incorporated into the TwinCAT
software and allows optimum access to the SERCOS interface. There are no unnecessary restrictions with
regard to the number of bus devices and I/O data per device.
The power of TwinCAT comes into its own with this new interface generation:
• Up to 254 devices (servo drives or I/O modules, e.g. Bus Terminals with Bus Coupler BK7500)
• No restriction regarding assignment and length of the I/O data
• Exact synchronization between TwinCAT and SERCOS
• Cycle times up to 62,5 µs are possible
• Synchronous process data communication
• Master and slave mode can be parameterized by software
• It is possible to have two parallel fieldbus channels on one card (2x SERCON816)
• Synchronization of both channels and other cards along with PC is possible
• Reading of bus configuration possible
Fig. 2: FC7501 and FC7502 in revision B